
Rate My Professors (41)

ECON10A . 11 Years Ago

Rest in Peace, Professor Babcock... taught classes despite battling cancer... A genius and endlessly kind. The world has lost a wonderful person and educator!

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

Work hard if you want a good grade in the class. This professor is the bomb. Awesome class. It's a lot of work, but I enjoyed it. Work hard, and you will succeed!

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

Textbook and workbook useless, don't waste money. Everything is based on the slides. That said his slides are your textbook. the slides are good, there only enough room for the bare essentials so some important info is missing. His problem sets don't come with answers. This and the slides make the class unnecessarily hard.

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

Best professor I had for economics, explains clearly but materials are hard! Work hard if you want a good grade!

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

He is the best teacher/professor that I've ever had. He completely changed my study style as I moved from pure memorizing to trying to understand the concepts. Going to his OH, TAs don't help much since most of them are unprepared.

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

Babcock is an extremely good teacher and is interesting as well. Class is VERY hard as Transfers need a B in it. Don't slouch off...go to multiple sections and Office Hours.Sara Adler and Martin Some are great TA's in the class. Go to all lectures. Re do the problem sets multiple times. Think of things that he hasn't asked you yet to study.

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

Print slides before class. go to every section and OH for RUTH-the ONLY TA who is reliable and goes above and beyond for students. Other TA's are unprepared and disinterested even though they get free tuition. Babcock's OH is the most helpful, but get there early!!! Get a tutor for the qtr, not just the week before exams. Avg/B- for exams appx 70%

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

great professor, hard subject

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ECON10A . 12 Years Ago

really tough material b/c it is the last pre-req. I suggest finding someone who has taken it before - you actually have to understand why you're solving certain problems the way you are, not just memorizing! he's a great professor, rushes through slides sometimes, but lectures are definitely worth it since he doesn't really use the book much

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ECON10A . 13 Years Ago

hes alright. this class is super hard because its the last pre-req class for econ and alot of transfer students have to pass this with a B. go to his office hours, thats where you learn most of the stuff. you have to know what your doing vs just memorizing. do problem sets. final is what really matters as it pretty much sets the curve. good luck.

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ECON100A . 13 Years Ago

The non-mandatory problem sets are very similar to the exams. Optional section were you get the answers to problem sets. Focus on the concepts not the methodology of the problem. Tests are deceptively easy with a single hard one.

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ECON10A . 13 Years Ago

Material is very difficult, but Babcock explains it well. He's a really good professor. I liked him a lot. He sometimes threw in trick questions on his tests. He wants to make sure the students actually understand the concepts rather than memorizing them. I recommend going to office hours.

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ECON10A . 13 Years Ago

Sounds like Clint Eastwood and is a cool guy. Material is TOUGH, so you have to put in the effort. But if you put in the time and study really hard then you can get a decent grade. Don't bother with the book. It's always confusing at first in lecture, but putting in the time outside of class will make things clear.

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ECON100A . 13 Years Ago

Hard class but he gives you excellent power points, Problem Sets, Practice exams, and Office hours everyday of the week!

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ECON100A . 13 Years Ago

This was by far the hardest econ class I have taken at UCSB. It's hard in the sense that you have to learn on your own. Going to office hours and section is the only way you will totally grasp all the concepts. I felt like he went too fast in lecture. Don't worry though, everyone in the class finds it tough so as long as you study HARD, you're good

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ECON100A . 13 Years Ago

This class is the one of the most difficult Econ classes I've taken, but Professor Babcock explains the concepts pretty thoroughly. Midterms aren't too bad, but the final is in a totally different league. Study hard, work together, and hope you'll do well.

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ECON100A . 13 Years Ago

Great teacher. He forces you through his questions to understand the concepts and not just rote memorization. To succeed you most likely are going to need to know what you're doing and why you're doing it, not just how to do it.

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ECON100A . 14 Years Ago

Best professor ever in UCSB!! Econ 100a is so-called the hardest econ class, but Prof. babcock made it easy to understand and interesting. Because I liked his class a lot, I studied very hard and got an A+. I am taking his Personnel Econ for sure!!

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ECON100A . 14 Years Ago

way better professor than i expected! his office hours along with all the ta office hours are extremely helpful and i definitely recommend going if you want to do well in the class, 2 midterms weren't awful, but the final was pretty hard but overall take this class with him!

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ECON100A . 14 Years Ago

Took this during winter quarter. It seems pretty stressful because he makes it seems hard. Attendance really is not mandatory, just click it one time so you get your attendance grade. Print Power Point slides, go to discussion write answers down. Do homework and just rewrite the numbers you used in discussion.Dont go to Babcock hes a prick use TAs

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ECON100A . 14 Years Ago

both midterms were easy, focused on basic problem solving. in comparison, the final was hard- it really tested the ability of your intuition, so watch out for the curve balls. he recommended not to read the book, but DO IT ANYWAY. it really helped to build intuition, which is the core skill to succeed in this class, and will put you above the curve

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ECON100A . 14 Years Ago

Overall a solid professor. Went to office hours a few times and he explains the material well but you can tell he gets annoyed after explaining the same material so many times. The class is really you against everyone else. I recommend taking it Fall Quarter since the curve will be nicer. Do all the practice problems and you'll be fine.

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ECON100A . 14 Years Ago

This guy makes this class hard because he has to! He only allows 10% of the class to get A's and 70% percent to pass the class. Basically it does not matter how well you do, but how good everyone else does. Technically if 75% of the class were to get above a 90% in the class than still 5% percent of the class would not PASS! Now thats ridiculous

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ECON100A . 14 Years Ago

Excellent professor, tough class. No need for the textbook. Iclicker required and is a factor in your grade (bonus points basically). Holds review sessions for exams outside of class, uploads homework problem sets to the course website which, while not part of your grade, are almost exactly like the midterm/final questions, so DO THEM!

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