Rate My Professors (50)

ASAM5 . Ninh E K 12 Years Ago

Professor Ninh is awesome. She really cares about her students and making a connection to the class. She is super passionate about these books. The class is difficult if you have a tough grading TA, but has some really cool insights and concepts about 1st and 2nd generation As Am struggles. She was a perfect professor for this class.

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ASAM124 . Ninh E K 12 Years Ago

Class isn't too difficult, but has lots of writing. Professor is clear with her lectures and has obvious themes she wants you to understand. No midterm or final, just papers.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 13 Years Ago

Really great and easy! You get the midterm and final questions ahead of time, which gives you time to plan your answers with the TA's. Closed reading assignments were pretty easy. Overall a great class.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 13 Years Ago

She is attractive!! Tough class, tedious multiple long essay midterm and final exam. But she gives out the questions before hand, so its not too difficult.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 13 Years Ago

Great professor, one of the best I've had. Lecture is fun if you actually do the reading. She is challenging you to think for yourself, and it's not hard to do well if you do your share. TA's grade tough, but don't let that deter you from this class. Great literature requirement.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 13 Years Ago

Lectures are quite boring. The flow of concepts is tough to get and class never seems to hold my attention. The books are cool, and she is nice if you talk to her, I just can't stand her lectures.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 13 Years Ago

Very good professor.

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ASAM128 . Ninh E K 13 Years Ago

She is a really good teacher but sometime class is boring. I recommended to read the 4 assigned books becase the midterm and final will be a comparison between two books for the midterm and final. Go to Office hours really helpful. Overall is good!

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ASAM124 . Ninh E K 14 Years Ago

There was a lot of writing, but they weren't that difficult. In total she said it was about 27 total pages. I don't think she grades that hard. On all my papers I got As and Bs and an A- in the class. (I'm not the greatest writer either) Theres only a reader for the class. Be prepared to read. There are HW quizzes & assignments occasionally

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 14 Years Ago

This class was absolutely terrible. Some of the books were interesting but lecture was unbearable. She definitely tried and was open to suggestions, but at the end of the day the lectures could not hold my attention. Here flow of concepts never quite made sense. It's a pretty easy writing fulfillment though.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 14 Years Ago

Very interesting take on Asian American Studies. More psychoanalysis than "the man is keeping us down!" I wasn't interested at all in the subject, but Ninh made it super interesting. Tough graders for sure though.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 14 Years Ago

she is awful at teaching, her lectures are very unorganized

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 14 Years Ago

Professor Ninh is a very nice person, very sweet, but I think she's a horrible teacher. She did not capture my attention as a student and she went too fast through her material. The books are great, her concepts are great but her teaching methods are dull. Close readings throughout the quarter, one midterm- 3 short answer questions- and one final.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 15 Years Ago

A good professor - the concepts she introduces are sometimes hard to understand, but she is more than willing to help clarify. A fair amount of reading, but the books were good. Made an effort to get to know my name. Definitely recommend.

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ASAM128 . Ninh E K 15 Years Ago

I liked the books that she chose, but that's probably it. She rarely gives Ds and Fs, but to get an A or B is unattainable. Her lectures are unorganized and often times the connections she makes are not relevant. She uses "big" words, but she uses a lot of them wrong. The way she dresses is also pretty distracting. Someone should really teach her.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 15 Years Ago

Interesting topics and ideas raised in lecture. Professor talks pretty fast. You need to elaborate on the concepts she introduces on the exams. Not an easy class but she is very helpful in OHs.

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ASIAN5 . Ninh E K 15 Years Ago

Prof. Ninh is awesome. She is one of my favorites teacher here at UCSB. She isnt one of those lame teachers who assigns boring books but assigns books that she knows students will get a kick out of reading. She is extremely intelligent and very objective. She does speak fast but she is very will and helpful to students who meet her in OHs.

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ASNAM5 . Ninh E K 16 Years Ago

Teacher talks super fast and the reading is kind of heavy. Really helpful office hours and is super easy on the eyes

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 16 Years Ago

She is so nice in office hours and the class introduces some cool concepts and the books are not bad to read at all. Visit her in office hours because she talks to fast.

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ASAM124 . Ninh E K 16 Years Ago

I had never thought about the topics covered until I took this class. It's very interesting. Prof Ninh makes class discussions thought provoking& although attendance isn't manditory, I always went because I enjoyed listening to the discussions. This class is an easy A with no formal type of test, just 3 easy papers and a group project.

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ASAM5 . Ninh E K 16 Years Ago

She is so nice and helpful in office hours. Although she has a tendency to speak way to fast she is happy to clarify and she has some really interesting ideas.

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ASAM124 . Ninh E K 16 Years Ago

I have taken two classes with this professsor. She was one that changed my outlook on education and encouraged me to find my direction in the class. She is perceptive, eloquent, and fair. She has brought me to new conclusions and broadened my perspective in subjects i thought i knew things about. i didn't.

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ASAM124 . Ninh E K 16 Years Ago

its still early in the quarter so my comment may change. but as of now: BORING. she encourages students to speak for a whole hour about one music video. her lectures aren't structured and you don't know what's really going on. if you just discuss in her class, i think you'll do fine. she's a nice professor, she just doesn't know how to teach.

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HIST101 . Ninh E K 16 Years Ago

Professor Ninh rewarded people who engaged, and people who had an interest to lean. i interpreted the "cocked head" as an genuine interest and processing of commentary, reguardless of how relevant it was or not, that a student may have given. She has much to give, and her lessons allowed me to breach new topics and perspectives. i loved her.

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