
Rate My Professors (81)

MATH3B . 3 Months Ago

It's just a lot of work, and I would have to go to CLAS Drop In every week. There were even some super difficult questions that tutors couldn't even help with. But he teaches very well, and the midterm and final are online. The emphasis of the class is basically to practice math over and over, with 60-90 math problems a week.

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MATH3B . 9 Months Ago

This class is hard only because of the homework but literally half your grade is online tests so it was easy to get an A. Many people are complaining about the amount of homework but it wasn't only that. I've had other classes with 70 webwork questions but the questions were actually beyond difficult. Also I swear he doesn't like college students.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 30 Days Ago

Professor Agboola expects you to learn a lot outside of class. It's homework-intensive, ranging from 60-80 problems a week. He will teach you the fundamentals but you will have to learn a lot on your own. The 2 tests are online. If you do all of the work, put in some effort, and have a basic understanding, you can get an A. He's also pretty funny.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

This class is an interesting one. The professor is very funny and the lectures are easy to follow and quite interesting. The homework is due weekly on Thursday nights and probably takes 5-10 hours per week because you are not taught how to do the HW. You get unlimited attempts for HW and it is 50% of your grade, so an A is achievable.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Professor Agboola is hilarious and knowledgeable. Can come off as intimidating/might embarrass you in front of the whole class if you ask a stupid question. His whole teaching philosophy is learning by doing so he assigns an absurd amount of HW, up to 80 HARD questions/week. Midterm online/easy, final online/hard. HW is 50% of grade which helps.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Agboola has a funny way of answering questions; he's a bit of a cornball. The lectures are pretty straightforward, but there is a LOT of pretty difficult homework (70-80 Webwork problems a week). The midterm and final were easy and covered the concepts at the most basic level. Homework was 50% and the midterm and final were 25% each which was nice.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Lectures are generally pretty easy to follow along, but often only teach very conceptually. The homework (up to 90 problems per week) was BEYOND difficult compared to the lectures, but at least we received unlimited attempts. Tests were all online, and much easier than the homework, but homework was worth 50% of our grade. Very frustrating overall.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Professor Agboola's lectures are good, despite what many people are saying. He's funny but unapproachable. Fairly easy to get an A despite the scale because the midterm is stupid easy, final is less easy but still doable, and you have plenty of time for homework. Assignments are unnecessarily long for a 4-unit class. Because of that, would avoid :(

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Huge amount of homework and largely unhelpful lectures which often seemed to hardly relate to the assigned homework. In his class a 94% was considered a flat B. Very funny guy but not a great professor.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Homework was extremely long and difficult. Expect 60-80 homework problems every week. You will spend at least 12-18 hours on homework in this class. Lecture was not helpful at all with the homework. Does not answer questions in a helpful way; very sarcastic (funny sometimes). Midterm was very easy, final was more difficult. Both exams are remote.

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MA3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

do not take this class if you can help it. absurd amount of homework, prof says himself it should be 15-20 hrs a week, and lectures are not helpful.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Agboola is a really bad teacher. Lectures are unhelpful and cover the bare basics. Homework is 70 unrealistically hard questions. You have to do them too since they're 50% of the grade. Grade scale was ambiguous and harsh. An unenjoyable class with poor teaching and too much difficult homework. At least the tests are pretty easy.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Trust me, don't go to class, just use the CLAS Canvas Course to learn everything. The Midterm and Final are take-home, the midterm is easy, the final is harder. A LOT of homework, about 70 very hard problems/week. You need a 95 in the class to get an A, a 94 is a FLAT B. This class is stressful, but this prof makes everything so much worse.

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3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

the class was doable and the concepts were easy. he taught them well but i thought lecture was pretty pointless and just went to CLAS. the only hard part about this class was the 50-70 HARD homework problems a week that took like 20 hours. midterm and final were easy. 50% HW, 25% midterm and final

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

He assigns like two 30-problem sets every week that contain unnecessarily difficult problems that even the TAs struggled with. 50% HW, 25% midterm, 25% final but midterm and final were not as difficult as the HW. Better self-taught than going to lectures cause all he does is explain things conceptually. Examples were also wack.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Lectures did not teach much so you had to learn on your own for the 40-80 homework problems he assigns per week. Homework is worth 50% and each exam is worth 25%. Exams were definitely a lot easier than the homework.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I give a 2 for his humor. Other than that, THIS CLASS MAKES ME WANT TO DIE. WAY TOO MUCH HOMEWORK, and scoring a 94% overall GIVES YOU B IN THIS COURSE BECAUSE THERES NO A- OR B+. Midterm was very easy, I don't know about the difficulty of the final yet. But this course is seriously stressing the hell out of me right now. Try to avoid if you can.

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3B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Very difficult to follow along during lectures, makes small mistakes sometimes. Grading is tough, half of your grade stems from the obscenely difficult 60+ problem homework assigned per week and the other half from tests. Midterm was easy, yet to take the final. AVOID this professor unless you want to spend +20 hours devoted to this class only.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Do not take this prof if you can avoid it. Crazy amount of homework that even the TAs said was way too much. Many problems that even the grad students struggled with and often if I went to CLAS they did not know how to do it either. Professor expects you to spend 15-25 hours per week on homework and it is ridiculous that this class is not 5 units.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

His lectures are somewhat helpful but you're going to have to do a lot more self-studying to fully grasp the concepts. There is also an insane amount of homework (like 60+ hard problems a week). The midterm, final, and homework are the only things that makeup the grade so you really have to stay on top of the workload.

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3B . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

lectures were clear and made sense but he gives a ridiculous amount of homework that is extremely hard. midterm was easy but haven't taken final yet. homework is 50% of your grade but he gives ~60-70 problems a week. CLAS drop ins are very helpful for some of the really hard homework problems. prof agboola is really funny though.

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MATH3B . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Assigns too much unrelated homework (expects you to spend 15-20 hours outside of class on this class).

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3B . 2 Years Ago

Homework and tests are the only things that count towards a grade in this class. THe homework is much tougher than the actual tests given but it dies count towards half the overall grade. Average lectures and sometimes helpful. Will have to rely mostly on self-studying and outside resources.

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MATH3B . 2 Years Ago

I stopped going to lecture pretty soon into the class. This class is mainly just doing a lot of homework so be aware. The good thing is it’s 50% of your grade, so if you do it all then you’re good but there are pretty tough problems. Class just wasn’t very useful. Midterm was easy, final was hard.

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