
Rate My Professors (35)

SOC1 . 14 Years Ago

prof mohr is awesome... forget what these others said

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SOC1 . 14 Years Ago

Mohr's lectures went so fast it was basically a waste to go to class. Gives so much extra credit it doesnt even matter how you do on tests, which are very easy any way. Take for an easy A, Greg Prieto was a great TA

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SOC1 . 14 Years Ago

lectures are nearly impossible to follow, dont even try to take notes because he goes too fast, dont need to do any readings, just pay attention in discussion, i didnt study or do any homework and i got a b+ in the class, easy class but bad teacher, he's funny but is a horrible lecturer

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SOC1 . 14 Years Ago

Mohr was the laziest prof I have ever had. He always shows up late. He wrote the midterm as it was being taken i.e. on his laptop with the test on the projector. Class was REALLY EASY. Never went to class, no text book, and reading not mandatory. Got an A studying for 2 hrs the night before the exams.

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SOC1 . 14 Years Ago

Super easy class. No text book, just readings online. His exams are really easy. He seems like a nice guy, although he's a bit unorganized and a little spacey. Not an enthralling lecturer, but his class isn't torture either.

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SOC1 . 15 Years Ago

I love Prof. Mohr. He's funny and his class was very easy. I took the Honors sections with him too and it was easy and enjoyable. He's a really nice guy and very understanding. You don't really have to go to class he puts the lectures online. I recommend the class for sure.

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SOC1 . 15 Years Ago

VERY EASY CALSS. There was no textbook, just some articles that I never read. The tests are super easy everything comes right off the lectures which he reviews right before the tests. Very straightforward class.

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SOC1 . 15 Years Ago

Really easy and good class. No textbook, just online articles. Not necessary to go to lecture at all, and the tests are simple as long as you study. Interesting material and really nice/laid back professor!

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SOC1 . 15 Years Ago

No books to buy and the final was on the last day of lecture. Interesting material with many guest lecturers. And you have to try really hard to get anything less than a B for his tests. Very easy.

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SOC1 . 15 Years Ago

Extremely interesting class. Tests are not too hard as long as you go to lectures and study, but the material is easy to understand

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SOC4 . 18 Years Ago

Great Prof! Does not require textbooks, no midterm and no final. Simply labs which are due once in a while and fun to do. Not only that, you learn a lot from the research and lectures can be tedious but interesting overall.

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