John Mohr

35 reviews
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SOC185F . 6 Years Ago

One of the smartest profs in the department, and he treats his theory class like his baby. Get ready to read, with a one-page memo response every week. He made me love theory when I thought it wasn't for me. 1 midterm and 1 final in class essays, 1 final essay and memos make up grade. As long as you understand the overall concepts, you'll do fine

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146ST . 7 Years Ago

Take this class--it will completely change your vision of sociology. It might be called Computational Sociology and have a different course #. All readings are PDF's on Gauchospace. We analyzed Twitter data to try and detect "fake news." It was a wild ride but well worth it. Your project may be different, but I can guarantee it will be awesome.

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SOC185F . 7 Years Ago

The reading can be a bit heavy, but hey, it's a theory class. Weekly one-page memos, a mid-term, and a final + a final paper. He is a very fair grader. He wants to see participation and improvement. There are people that love theory and people that don't. If you fall into the latter category, find someone who loves theory and form a study group.

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SOC146 . 7 Years Ago

Fun class. We learned how to use DiscoverText, software that analyzes Twitter feeds, and create projects out of them, of which we presented by the end of the quarter. The class is highly emphasized on a single but big group project so you are expected to make meetings outside of class to finish your project.

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SOC185F . 7 Years Ago

Felt grim about having to take a class on social theory because I thought it would be very dull. I couldn't have been more wrong. I loved the class and learned a multitude of material that is invaluable. John Mohr is a great facilitator of discussion and treats everyone with the upmost respect as we tried to grasp very hard conceptual theories.

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SOC118C . 8 Years Ago

He is extremely sweet and helpful, and genuinely cares about his students. We had weekly assignments and one final paper. It was a small class so participation was expected but the topics were very interesting. Would definitely recommend!

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SOC185F . 9 Years Ago

Okay. He describes the class as hard, which had me ready to drop the first day, but I'd already bought the book. The assignments are elaborate, have a lot of components to them but as long as you follow instructions step-by-step you should do well. He's not a overly-tough grader. Study the slides for test material. Nice guy, funny. A++ Go to class

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SOC185F . 9 Years Ago

Very philosophical. An academic. He just drones on and on. My eyes glossed over the entire lecture, VERY boring. Easy grader though. Getting a good grade so far but not sure what's going on!! Very abstract!

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SOC185F . 12 Years Ago

Nice person who tries to be helpful. However, winter 2012 was the first time that he taught this course. Two projects that compile a survey. First project involves group work in which groups come up with survey questions. The second project is individual and involves analyzing the survey results. For final and midterm know quotes!!

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SOC108A . 12 Years Ago

Teacher was nice and helpful. Projects are very straight forward and he is happy to help, I must warn you that they were indeed tricky. Careful with that TA I agree.

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SOC108A . 12 Years Ago

Class was all busy work but not hard. Three big 25 point assignments with some little assignments here and there. Again, not a hard class but I would have to agree with the comments below, I had Summer as a TA too and man, it was hard to do anything in that class with her giving us instructions you should switch TA's if possible.

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SOC108A . 12 Years Ago

Super easy class, three major 25 point assignments and some small 3 point assignments here and there. BEWARE!! If you get Summer Gray, I REPEAT SUMMER GRAY as a TA consider dropping the class, she is a horrible TA and I cannot believe she has gone that far in her education. She has an IQ that of a broom.

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