
Rate My Professors (51)

BLST169 . 14 Years Ago

Absolutely amazing. This professor appreciates student effort and gives it back to her students tenfold. She has a brilliant mind.

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BLST4 . 14 Years Ago

Johnson is an excellent professor who engages conversation even in a 350 person class. Great topics, One of my favorite classes so far

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BLST118 . 14 Years Ago

I loved this class the material was a little boring at times but she makes it interesting. It is a lot of reading but I didnt do any of it all you have to do is find all the answers for the study guide questions since they are exactly the same as the test. Also to boost your grade she has an oppurunity for 5% extra credit, which can help anyone.

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BLST4 . 14 Years Ago

She's a great lecturer. Gets you all passionate about the issues of this crazy world. Chuck D., was a guest lecturer in our class once. The topic of the class really inspires you to be a better citizen. There's a group project, but it's pretty fun!

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BLACK118 . 14 Years Ago

I adored Johnson! Very approachable during office hours, except for the wait with other students. Lots of reading, but worth it if you're interested in the topic. In class essays, thankfully she gives you a straightforward study guide. Take her! She's mesmerizing and down to earth.

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BLST4 . 14 Years Ago

Prof. Johnson is amazing. Her material is generally interesting, however, it is obviously biased. I recommend her class to everyone. It has changed my perception on race and racism

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BLST4 . 14 Years Ago

This class is very biased, however that should be assumed from the title. Johnson is very open to debate. The tests were a carbon copy of the study guide. I heard rumors of students writing entire test answers in their blue books before the test even started, but don't do that because it violates the UCSB Academic Conduct.

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BLKST1 . 14 Years Ago

Amazing Professor. Very nice, sweet, and has a great understanding of the material. Very helpful. Definitely recommend taking this professor for any class.

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BLST118 . 14 Years Ago

REally great professor. smart, passionate and very approachable. cares about teaching, not just research. gives a study guide that is basically the test, very fair professor. class is interesting but readings can be a little dry sometimes. If not this class, definitely take one with Johnson. And she is beautiful too, so thats a plus

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BLST1 . 14 Years Ago

This class definitely changed the way I looked at racism and changed my whole though process. Prof Johnson is an excellent, inspiring speaker. However, there is a TON of reading for this class, sometimes around 300 pgs a week. It's not easy, but I felt it was definitely worth it for the Ethnicity requirement.

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BLST1 . 14 Years Ago

I love her.

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BLKST169C . 14 Years Ago

Prof. Johnson is the best. She is very accessable if you have questions and is always willing to help. She also does an excellent job of making her lectures interesting. I highly reccommend her class Black Studies 169cr.

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BLST1 . 16 Years Ago

This class is life-altering and it makes you think about the world from a totally different perspective. She is an excellent professor; take her.

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BLST4 . 16 Years Ago

wow, i loved her! i didn't know how i would like this class but i ended up loving it--and it made me think about the world completely differently. she's beautiful, intelligent, and genuine. take the class :)

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BLST4 . 16 Years Ago

Best class I have ever taken! She shifted my whole perspective on race and racism. This class pointed me in a whole new direction with my major and career choices. She is absolutely gorgeous, delightfully humble, and always wanting to help her students. She advocates change and action, and speaks on behalf of the silenced. You must take her class.

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BLST4 . 16 Years Ago

Interesting material. Down to earth professor. Super beautiful professor. And class discussion encouraged; all views; even the controversial shyt.

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BLST4 . 16 Years Ago

There's a reason Dr. Johnson has a JalapeƱo pepper next to her name on this site. Her class blew me away because it was a scholarly experience rather than a standard read and discuss formatted course. Recommended for anyone against racism.

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BLST1 . 16 Years Ago

Professor Johnson is GREAT!! She is really engaging and so sweet and nice. Her study guide for the midterms (2) is almost the EXACT thing as the actual test therefore this class can be very EASY (depending on your TA). I would definitely recommend taking this class although the reading load is a bit heavy (you don't need to do all of it though!!)

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BLSTBLST . 16 Years Ago

BEST class. BEST professor. The class really opened my eyes to the world, and Johnson is extremely eloquent and intriguing. I LOVED her class discussions, definitely the best at UCSB... the topics really got people reconsidering their way of thinking. Oh, and she knows Flava Flav... so you have to love her

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BLST4 . 16 Years Ago

Learned a TON in this class. The class has a clear and definite bias, but if you have half a brain you can easily discern what's fact and what's opinion. Jhonson's cool, hip, and engaging. Extremely passionate about what she teaches, and makes a somewhat touchy subject personable and funny. Take this class.

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BLST4 . 16 Years Ago

This professor takes my breath away! The best I've ever had, if you have the chance to take a class with her DO, you will not regret it. Intro to Racism is the most interesting course I have taken here, and she is excellent. She is also absolutely gorgeous and highly intelligent.

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BLST004 . 17 Years Ago

Very good professor!! Young, Intelligent, Approachable, Energetic, Interesting, and engages class & encourages discussions about controversial issues. And I wouldnt be surprised if you find her to be the most breathtakingly beautiful teacher youve ever had...word is bond

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BLST4 . 17 Years Ago

Great professor! She is very clear and is passionate about the subject. Critical intro to Racism is by far one of the best classes I have taken here.

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BLST2 . 17 Years Ago

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