Rate My Professors (55)

ITAL124X . Fogu C 2 Months Ago

his slideshow are not helpful at all. they are super confusing, unorganized, and way too simple for the amount of material he gave us. you really have to stay on top of the readings and teach yourself a lot of the material. he is kinda all over the place and made a lot of mistakes on canvas. he's nice but just makes things confusing

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 9 Months Ago

Rambles in lecture; the wording is incredibly nuanced and complex. He expects you to have the complex material understood like the back of your hand. Material is interesting but that fact was defeated by his harsh grading. Made me dread the class and every assignment. I'd suggest avoiding this class if you can.

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ITAL179X . Fogu C 1 Year, 4 Days Ago

He is passionate about what he teaches but his lectures don't make much sense and he kind of just rambles on without much explanation.

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ITAL179X . Fogu C 1 Year, 11 Days Ago

Lots of reading but also it is so interesting and the films chosen are so beautiful. he's very enigmatic and you can tell he cares alot about his classtopics

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ITAL138D . Fogu C 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Such an easy class. Provides a clear understanding of class materials and is willing to explain in other ways. Don't do the readings, he'll talk about the readings in class. No homework or class work. Class is made up of one midterm and final. Study guide provided, super easy, no need to study if you come to lecture. Plus, he sure is a cutie pie ;)

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ITAL180X . Fogu C 2 Years Ago

Watch movie for lecture quiz every week 30% 3 multiple choice. Sometimes you need choose more. 2 papers take home.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 2 Years Ago

If you pay attention in lecture and at least glance at a few of the readings you can swing a high B or A. If you're a relatively competent writer, the SAQs and short paper will be a breeze. All you have to do is gain a conceptual understanding of the trends Fogu touches on in Italian history.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 2 Years Ago

A lot of people will complain about his grading but their notes were probably not enough. it is hard to get lost in his lectures at time but I literally typed everything that came out of his mouth word for word and then went through after to understand. Yes it was tedious but it was key for my success in the class. Great if global studies major.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 2 Years Ago

Not many homework assignments.2 quizzes (online),1 midterm,1 paper, and the final. Which were all fairly easy. You do have to go to class to understand the material though! But he was very accommodating (extended zoom instruction for 2 extra weeks and uploaded lectures on gauchospace).

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 3 Years Ago

He is a very kind man and easy to reach through email but he doesn't use slides in his lecture that much so it's important you pay attention and attend every class. This class is also only graded by like 5/6 things so you have to put your all into it if you want a good grade. The topics were interesting but sometimes repetitive.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 3 Years Ago

This class is not that serious & he treats it like a grad level course. Topics are interesting, s a tough grader and you need to be super specific to get credit. The only parts that were fair was 2 quizzes worth like 10 pts each. He seems nice, but didn't seem to take covid seriously & is the class needs to be in person type to actually learn type.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 3 Years Ago

He does not put much info on slideshows, so you really need to attend in person to listen to what he says. He is currently researching the course's scope and materials, so in addition to adding extra background information you need to sift through, he rambles on and on and his wording and nuance is very confusing. Only gives out 89% grades, not As.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 3 Years Ago

ITAL 20X was highly interesting to me, even as a STEM major. Taking in-depth notes from lectures is essential in this course. Grade makeup is two extremely short quizzes, a short paper, and then the midterm and final. I feel like I really learned a lot in this class. Prof is very sweet and responsive. Lectures can be sometimes a bit confusing.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 3 Years Ago

He is one of the best people I have ever met, but please, never take this class.

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ITAL180Z . Fogu C 4 Years Ago

Fogu is a nice guy who is clearly passionate about what he is teaching and that makes him generally more interesting to listen to. Always down to field questions. However, the lectures are long and often difficult to follow because they don't have great structure and it is difficult to not get lost in nuance. Very generous grader tho

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ITAL189X . Fogu C 4 Years Ago

Going to lecture is important. He follows the reading and makes it clear what each concept is about. I've taken multiple classes with Fogu and if you go to class, you will pass. The midterm was ID's, online quizzes based on reading, and a final paper. He is an awesome professor and really wants students to succeed. Go to his office hours!

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 4 Years Ago

Fogu has definitely been one of my least favorite professors thus far at UCSB. He grades unnecessarily difficult considering how disorganized and boring his lectures were. It seemed like he made up the material as he went along and the slides hardly had any info on them. I was recommended to take this GE but I do not recommend this professor.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 4 Years Ago

Fogu really cares about what he teaches but unfortunately doesn't do a good job communicating it to students. Unlike other classes with "ID's" on tests, these have to be extremely specific for you to get a good grade in the class. He was very accommodating with the coronavirus outbreak though , and made the final exam take-home.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 5 Years Ago

Most confusing and pointless lectures. He had no information on his slides, made up lectures as he went, and went off on confusing tangents that were not relevant to the lecture.

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 5 Years Ago

Fogu is really passionate about what he teaches but his lectures are pretty boring and confusing. It doesn't help that the readings are ridiculously long and don't even feel useful to read. Grades really hard on midterm/final as well. He essentially treats this G.E. class like a graduate course. You don't need to buy a textbook, so that's a plus.

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ITAL124X . Fogu C 5 Years Ago

DO NOT miss lecture. He does not post any lecture slides online. No laptops in class, so just write down exactly what he says to study and use in final paper. Lots of readings that you can get by not reading if you go to class. Two quizzes, in class midterm that is short answer + long essay, and a final 7 page paper. Interesting material.

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ITAL124X . Fogu C 5 Years Ago

really nice man (esp. during office hours), but his lecture slides are absolutely TERRIBLY designed because it makes no sense w/out context. since it's so theoretical, it is confusing. i can't understand lectures 'cuz it's hard to figure out what to takes notes on since he isn't very concise & indirect about everything. do not take!

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ITAL180X . Fogu C 6 Years Ago

One paper and one final- I don't know anything about film or Italy- lecture was hard to understand but literally the last week everything fits together- GO TO OFFICE HOURS- a good man- grades easy on paper- gives you the outline to the final- watch the movies and you'll be fine

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ITAL20X . Fogu C 6 Years Ago

Professor Fogu is super intelligent and passionate about what he teaches. You really have to pay attention to his lectures because he doesn't use slides very much. Super nice guy and rewards those who really want to learn.

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