
Rate My Professors (14)

BMGT230 . 9 Years Ago

Worst teacher hands down ive ever taken. He states that he has bad hand writing then proceeds to write scribble scrabble on the board everyday. He could care less if you pass or fail, i went into him for help once the most condescending man alive i had to cry before he would help me. Lectures are pointless because no one understand what he says.

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BMGT230 . 9 Years Ago

Lazar can teach but can come off as intimidating. You gotta study hard for this class. Sit close because his handwriting isn't the best. Discussion classes really help and are easy points. Pay most attention to his examples in class, discussion sheets, and practice exams. He wants you to do well because he curves tests but you have to work hard.

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BGMT230 . 11 Years Ago

Horrible professor. Yells at anyone that asks a question...actually he yells at pretty much everyone. Knows what he's talking about, but he's the only one. Extremely difficult class for a fairly easy subject.

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PSTAT120 . 18 Years Ago

His first time teaching. Got confused by his own examples. Was unable to answer questions. Didn't understand that the student were struggleing. Office hours did not help.

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago


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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

He has a cute accent and really cares about whether the students understand or not. He's really nice.

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

The only bad thing about this class is that it was taught in a HUGE concert hall, which isn't the best place to learn stats, and he acknowledges this. He's extremely helpful during office hours, so go see him if you're unclear about something. The exams were not very difficult.

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

This professor was by far the most helpful I ever had!! I had absolutely no interest in this material prior to taking his course...however afterwards I'm totally fired up on STATS!!! I'm now even thinking about getting a minor in statistics! this guy rocked!

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

Extremely disorganized, but at least I passed even if I didn't learn anything. Every example he gave in lecture was followed by a disclaimer about how it might not be the right answer. So...ok? Midterm was easy, but I didn't know half the stuff on the final even though I went to almost every lecture and section and did all the homework.

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

Ok what just happened? This professor is never fully prepared and goes flying through slides and examples its almost impossible to follow them not to mention if you did get a chance to copy down the problem don't trust that the numbers are right the class had to correct him multiple times. Recommendation: take pstat w/ another professor

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

Many of his examples in lecture were followed by "but you don't have to know that," making things quite confusing. His tests and midterm were extremely easy, but his final was randomly hard, and a lot of the material on the final was either not explained fully or at all in lecture. If you get him, definitely check out CLAS... they help A LOT.

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

Really unclear sometimes, the book sucks for this class, and there's a lot of time spent on the easy stuff and then you rush through the hard stuff

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

I love this man!!!

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PSTAT5A . 18 Years Ago

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