
Rate My Professors (47)

ECON101 . 4 Years Ago

Grading is based on attendance (20%) when she doesnt teach anything, you have to teach everything to yourself. Advise against

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ECON101 . 4 Years Ago

Her lectures do not provide enough information to do well on the tests, which account for the majority of your final grade. She doesn't seem to know what direction to take the class as the tests are very computational and her lectures are current-event based.

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ECON101 . 4 Years Ago

My least favorite Econ professor. She's very nice, but has it's clear she has no idea what she's doing. She lectures on theory with almost no math and very few practice problems provided, but tests are almost entirely math and very different from the homework. Her attendance quizzes are terrible. Very hard class and for all the wrong reasons.

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ECON101 . 4 Years Ago

she doesn't teach. Its more of a current events class, where she talks about wall street journal articles. When she's done talking about her articles, she'll passively throw up an important equation,and then quickly move on. It's pointless to even come to lecture, but she forces you to go via attendance quizzes that are worth 15% of your grade.

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ECON101 . 4 Years Ago

Have to teach everything yourself.

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ECON101 . 4 Years Ago

only take this class or professor if you want to teach yourself everything! She does not teach a thing and spends all class talking about abstract concepts and tries to teach all big picture and never does any of the math and then the tests are pure math and nothing she did in lecture. She also tests on things never taught in class or the book. Bad

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ECON114B . 5 Years Ago

Big yikes everyone in the class is super freaking confused

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ECON114B . 5 Years Ago

She is a good lady, but test heavy. You may not pass this class if you do not read the books. The final project is too hard to finish.

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ECON114B . 5 Years Ago


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ECON101 . 5 Years Ago

She's a cool lady who cares about teaching. Her lectures are clear and concise. The practice problems she offers and the solutions she posts are nearly identical to what you need to know for the exams. On both midterms, the average was about 80%-85% RAW SCORE. The concepts are cut and dry. Would definitely take again.

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ECON101 . 5 Years Ago

My favorite econ professor in UCSB. She is so clear with what you have to know and her practice problems actually reflect the exams. She also likes to incorporate real world economics into the course and makes the class interesting. Definitely a doable A compared to how difficult other econ courses can be! Take her in the spring!

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ECON101 . 5 Years Ago

Go to class and she will tell you what is on the exams. I recommend reading the textbook as it clears up a lot of things she touches on in lecture. If you understand the practice problems and know the lecture notes, the class is an easy A. She is straightforward and wants her students to succeed!

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ECON101 . 5 Years Ago

Marshall is a visiting professor, she taught here 12 years ago. Econ 101 is a really interesting class, and with Marshall it's really straight forward if you go to lecture and do the practice review problems (very similar to exams). Take it with her while she is here Spring 2019! Overall a great class

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ECON101 . 17 Years Ago

Professor Marshall is not at Cal Poly SLO. She was a great professor. Straight forward lectures and tests.

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ECON101 . 18 Years Ago

nice prof, most boring class ever though

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ECON101 . 18 Years Ago

i never knew a college course can be that easy

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ECON101 . 18 Years Ago

Class can get boring sometimes, but she is a really nice lady and does a really good job of making fairly complicated and difficult material as simple and easy to understand as possible. Quizzes and finaly are very, very fair as you know what to expect on them.

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100A . 18 Years Ago

A super-sweet lady who does a good job. She seems to forget sometimes that this stuff is new to us. She spends most of her time talking about theory and little time on application. However, the test questions are a majority application. I suppose we're supposed to get application instruction in section but that just isn't enough time.

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ECON101 . 18 Years Ago

finally an economics class that i could somewhat follow! heard that all the other econ 101 professors were tough but she is very kind and always willing to clarify the material. midterm and final are similar to homework problems so it's really not that difficult, just go to section to get the answers.

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ECON101 . 18 Years Ago

She teaches a very difficult course in a straightforward and clear manner. She isn't too difficult and makes it clear what is covered on the exams. She also is very helpful in office hours which is a plus.

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ECON100A . 18 Years Ago

Take this class with Marshall if you can, very easy. She is also really nice and easy grading system

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ECON100A . 18 Years Ago

Very nice lady who makes the material about as simple and easy to understand as possible. People complain about her inability to teach, but that's just simply wrong. Economic Theory isn't easy and Marshall teaches it as well as she can. Those people just simple don't and probably never will get economics.

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ECON100A . 18 Years Ago

I like her very much so far. Take the practice test and you should be fine. Her grading is absolutely fair, you can fail both midterm, ge an A in the Final and still get an A in the class. She taught at Ohio State before (there are some more ratings).

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