The class was difficult sometimes but incredibly interesting. A lot of quizzes and midterms but it will allow you to drop your lowest scores. I was even able to drop the final because my midterms were good enough. She usually responds very fast throughout the course.
Attendance doesn't count so just read the textbook instead of going to class because she is so boring it's impossible to pay attention. She tells you what to study then tests you on different material or makes the questions way harder than they were before. Also, if you have questions, don't even bother emailing her. She will not respond.
Attending lecture gives you 10 free percent overall. Predictable schedule. Material is sometimes presented in a confusing fashion. Overall ok.
Worst ever! You will Experience Different Levels of Sucks in her class. I got a solid B+ 89.48 rather than an A- coz of her retarded grading scheme. No curve. No cutoff. Ur expected to wake up at 3 am to attend the lectures if ur an international student. Final has a few unnecessary wordplay questions. Avoid her at any cost! Anyway, I wish NMSL!
25 HW 25 MT1 25 MT2 25Final, if you attend lecture you get 10 free and makes MT count for 20 each. No practice test. HW does not teach you what you need to know for the exam. Poll questions in lecture do not prepare you for exam. The online format of this class for this professor is impossible. If you can't teach yourself from the book do not take.
Attendance wasn't mandatory but if you go to lectures then it makes the midterms weigh less (super helpful). Didn't read the textbook at all so it's not necessary. Tests are very fair compared to other econ tests. Math problems are very straightforward and practiced in sections/quizzes. Tests are 50-50 math and concepts
Good teacher, she goes slow and thorough with her lectures and her test questions are pretty straightforward from what's been taught.
I would say her class is fair, two tests and a final, weekly quizzes, and two activities. You do also have to go to lectures. It wasn't bad, but she does have a tendency to change material on her tests even though she'll claim that it'll just be like the quizzes. Your TA is really going to carry you with learning the math, so utilize it!
Maybe the transition to online learning has been tough but Kathryn is terribly boring, does not explain information clearly and leaves a lot of work to the student to do on their own. She does give weekly quizzes that are easy and you get points for attendance but you wont leave if any useful information that you didnt figure out on your own.
Don't take any class with her, tough grader, heavy lectures, she teaches slowly, never respond to your email, the only person that will get back to you is her head TA. All her lecture quizzes were hard. I asked her to drop me from the class and she did not even respond to me, I rather get D to get the class again.
Prof. Marshall's Econ 101 class has been somewhat tough, although she has had the best transition to online class out of all of my Econ classes this quarter. Lecture's can be slow and long but I find the material and her teaching to be interesting. Biggest issue is no office hours with her, only sections provided by TA's.
Terrible grading system, she spends around half the time not going into mathematical concepts when they really make up most of the exam. She talks so low it is like I'm being sedated.