Rate My Professors (82)

CHST1A . Garcia M T 13 Years Ago

The class is designed to screw over those who fall behind and dont pay attention. As long as you show up, pay attention, and keep up with the reading, you will learn a thing or two about the Chicano experience. Professor Garcia is very passionate and the Guest he brings in are wonderful, correlating exactly with what you are reading!

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 13 Years Ago

Great class. Gives several chances for extra credit. Its quite a lot of reading but nothing that is impossible if you know how to manage your time. Attendance to section is mandatory or it will affect your grade a lot. Midterm and finals are easy even if u only study the night before. Ten page paper isn't hard. Highly recommend the class.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 13 Years Ago

Professor Garcia is a pretty cool dude. The class is ridiculously easy if you do the readings. Like someone else mentioned though, I did feel like I got picked on for being white in my section. I also wasn't a fan of the more radical speakers that Garcia brought in, such as Sal Castro. Overall though, easy class.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 13 Years Ago

Garcia is good, though he seemed to run out of topics towards the end of the quarter. The class is predictable and you can quickly assess his ideas and feelings towards Chicano history, making it easy to BS a little bit and tell him what he wants to hear. Worst part is the no absence policy for sections.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 13 Years Ago

He was passionate, lecture and reading gave you everything you needed to know for tests, but I felt like I got picked on in section for being white, and his lectures sometimes included stereotypes and generalized statements that felt like personal attacks. For an A on the paper, you probably should elaborate on how life is unfair for chicano/a(s)

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

Garcia is like a grandfather, passionate about his subject. However, the reading was way too long, and most of the books were written by him. It seems like he's using us to make money off of royalties. Also if you miss ONE section, your final grade drops a whole letter!

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

This is an easy A if you read the books (which most are what he wrote himself) The midterm and finals were easy, just know dates and people and have the readings done, which aren't hard to finish if you give yourself the time. The ten page essay is a breeze, you basically write about a friend, overall good class/professor :)

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CHIC1A . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

Very interesting class. Came in with no interest in Chicano Studies whatsoever and yet, he made it very interesting. There is a lot of readings but most of the reads are very elementary and there's nothing dense. Attending lecture helps quite a bit as he discusses the books and delves deeper into the material.

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A1 . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

Great professor that is very passionate about what he teaches! I love how he brought in Sal Castro and so forth. READ EVERYTHING!!!! It's a lot though... great experience.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

If you go to lecture and do the reading, this class is by no means difficult. The TA can make or break it, however. I got stuck with a TA that gave hard weekly quizzes (all sections have weekly quizzes), but most of my friends got easy ones. Theres a LOT of reading, most is boring , but easy midterm and final! easy class, but not great

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

Garcia, Is by far one of the best Professors I've had. Extremely interesting. 8/9 of the books we have to read are novels(don't worry he brakes up the reading). If read, pay attention in class, take notes n go over them ur bound to do fine on the midterm and final. 10pg paper is on a autobiography of a person of ur choice. Really fun to do!!

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CHSTB . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

Boring as hell but midterm is extremely easy, lots of reading but the reading is easy its broken up fairly. I dont know yet about the final. Worth it to take this class. I just took it fall 2009.

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CHSTA . Garcia M T 14 Years Ago

balls to this class and teacher! boring as balls. too much reading for an intro class midterm & final extremely HARD even if you studied all night.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 16 Years Ago

One of the most passionate teachers i have ever met in my life, the lectures are highly interesting and so is the reading if you do the work you are sure to get an A+ great class

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CHIC1A . Garcia M T 16 Years Ago

Easy class, but lots or reading and lectures can become really boring...but overall an OK class..O and section attendance is section missed is one grade lower

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 16 Years Ago

The paper is easy. and the test are not that hard you just have to do the readings that take forever and the books are not cheap and they are all written by him.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 16 Years Ago

He is very passionate about what he teaches.

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CHSTCHST . Garcia M T 16 Years Ago

He's very friendly and very personal with the subject. It's great. Overall, everything is really interesting. Yes, there's a 12 page paper and a good amount of reading but its UNBELIEVABLY worth it. But if you spend more time **** in IV than you do with you nose in books...I don't know if this is for you.

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CHST1 . Garcia M T 16 Years Ago

His class was awesome! 95% of the reading was very interesting and enjoyable. He's very passionate about the subject PLUS you get to meet the people you read about in the books: Frances Tywoniak, Sal Castro, and Father Greg. He brings in a mariachi on the last day, he's really nice. It's pretty easy and really fun so enjoy the class!

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HIST17C . Garcia M T 17 Years Ago

Horible. I cannot believe they let him teach.

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 17 Years Ago

Took him over the summer, so I don't know if it is different during the year, but this was my experience: The class is extremely interesting, and Garcia is passionate about the topic. His tests are super easy (midterm and final, worth 25% each), but there is no way to skip out on the reading (it is interesting). Paper is fun (worth 25% too)

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CHST1A . Garcia M T 18 Years Ago

Don't fall asleep in class! Pay attention and do the mountains of reading, and it will be pretty easy.

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CHST1 . Garcia M T 18 Years Ago

the quizzes in section were EXTREMELY helpful. Utilize your TA. His tests were all m/c, but if you did the reading (which is a lot some interesting some not) the midterm and final are very fair tests. A very interesting class. His lecture get a little bland because he is getting older though.

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CHST1 . Garcia M T 18 Years Ago

try not to sit in the aisles or in the front, he tends to spit when he gets in to a subject and starts talking up a storm. the tests are easy as long as you read.

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