
Rate My Professors (18)

ECE15A . 8 Years Ago

Only professor that teaches 15A. She tries her best to teach despite her accent. Lectures are just explanations of her ppts found online. Exams are straightforward but might have curveball circuit questions that might be tricky

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ECE15A . 8 Years Ago

I liked her class a lot. Sure, lecture was boring, but the information is useful. She tells you all of the topics that will be on the tests, so it is relatively easy to study for them. An odd thing about the class is that the homework/quizzes are due/done 2 weeks after the topic is covered. Make sure you look over slides before the section quiz.

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ECE15A . 8 Years Ago

Marek-Sadowska has a thick accent but after a few lectures you get used to it. She's very personable and is visibly tickled when students show engagement with the material. The material is fairly abstract but she does a good job of preparing you for future courses that will build upon it. I really liked her.

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ECE15A . 9 Years Ago

Definitely a tough class. She has a heavy accent so you don't always know what exactly she said. If you look over her lecture slides (which she does not actually use in class) beforehand it helps. If you understand the homework you can do well on the midterms, but the final is much more difficult.

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ECE15A . 9 Years Ago

She's really hard to hear and understand but she tries really hard. She's willing to explain things over and over again until you get it. Don't be afraid to raise your hand and clarify something. She's really friendly in office hours, highly recommend them if you're still confused. This was one of my favorite classes in terms of material.

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ECE15A . 10 Years Ago

Hard to understand in lecture. Makes mistakes that can sometimes ruin an entire lecture. All lecture slides are posted online but are hard to follow if you skip lecture. Homework problems are ridiculously long and difficult. Tests were not too bad, but some problems took way too much time. Study past exams to do well. Barely any curve.

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ECE15A . 10 Years Ago

She is so boring, very unclear, material hard to understand, you will need to learn everything on your own(or from your ta), homeworks long and not clear of what to do, overall one of the worst classes ever.

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ECE15A . 11 Years Ago

Canonical form and "Donc-kars"ie she's very difficult to understand and does not explain/express things well despite teaching the same class for longer than most students have been alive.

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ECE15A . 13 Years Ago

Unbelievably boring. Bring something to keep you awake during lecture, and take notes if you notice she's writing something new. I learned everything from my TA, so I highly recommend going to section if you wanna ditch lecture.

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ECE15A . 13 Years Ago

Super easy class. The homework can be long and tedious, but every ECE class you take your homework assignments will 8 hours or longer at the minimum. As long as you go to class and do all the homework, you should get an easy "A". Don't bother buying the book; I never cracked it the whole quarter.

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ECE15A . 13 Years Ago

Wow. Where to start. Absolutely useless and incomprehensible lecture. Homework is extraordinarily long and difficult with zero explanation by the professor. Avoid at all costs, she will turn you off CS for life if you take her class. I repeat, DO NOT take her class

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ECE15A . 14 Years Ago

Lectures are not particularly useful but incredibly boring; lecture notes don't help very much either. Long and tedious homework. Exams are not straightforward, and also very long. Reading the (often confusing) textbook is absolutely necessary if you want do survive.

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ECE15A . 15 Years Ago

Okay, I don't know what all these reviewers have against her... If you attend lecture (and don't fall asleep, which I admit can be difficult), do the HW (even if its long), and review her notes, this class is very straight-forward. She's nice and I got a lot out of the class. The people below me need to stop whining and get a reality check...

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ECE15A . 16 Years Ago

Awful. Attending lecture was pointless, homework is long and doesnt teach you very much, and the material itself is dry. Almost the entire class was ditching lecture by mid-quarter. Tests were unnecessarily difficult - she says she doesnt curve, but I think she did anyway. Reading the book is the best way to succeed in her class. Horrible teacher.

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ECE15A . 16 Years Ago

The homework is long and tedious, and seems like she tries to throw curveballs at you on the midterms and final instead of just testing you on what you do on the homework. Says that she does not curve the class.

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ECE15A . 18 Years Ago

She is a nice person. She is really patient if you go to her office hour. But she cannot teach. She has like 20 pages of useless notes for every lecture. Reading them is a waste of time. HWs and exams are so freaking hard and time consuming. Half of the problems on the final are thing that I had never seen.

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ECE15A . 18 Years Ago

She is so horrible. She doesnt know how to teach at all. HWs and midterm are so freakin hard that take forever to finish. HW assigned everyweek even when there is a midterm Hws are pointless that doesnt related to the material in the text PLease dun hv her or U ruined yourself TAKE AT UR OWN RISK

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ECE15A . 18 Years Ago

Almost the worst professor I've ever had. I don't think anyone understand a word she says. Homework is tedious and pointless, it didn't help me understand anything about this class, yet it took so much time to finsih. Course material is kind of separated from the text book. Poor schedule for lecture topics. She destroyed my interest in Comp. Engr.

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