Rate My Professors (125)

RGST3 . Hillis G A 13 Years Ago

prof. hillis is sort of a ridiculous guy in a funny way. his class is very very easy. a great class to take for GE. the tests were easy and grades fairly. final paper is a bit long but the you pretty much can choose ur own topic which is nice.

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RLST1 . Hillis G A 13 Years Ago

Often funny, sometimes a little awkward or depressing, always friendly and inspiring. This guy is amazing, and cares about his students as individuals beyond the classroom, from my experience. Highly recommended.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 13 Years Ago

Professor Hillis is an engaging professor. Tries to make easy material interesting and relatable. Easy class, entertaining professor. Enjoyable class! Format of midterm/final is generally short answer (defining terms) and two essays. As long as you get the main ideas (from lecture/bold words in text) you'll do well.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 13 Years Ago

Hillis is a cool guy with a unique sense of humor. He made me laugh a lot just with his bizarre jokes! He really cares about his students. Material is ok... Not the most interesting. Not too difficult tho

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 13 Years Ago

1 midterm and 1 final. I was disappointed in the fact that I thought I would learn a little more. He is a funny teacher and does well to engage in class discussion. I was not too interested in the material, but that may just be me. He gives you a study guide so if you wikipedia everything, you will do fine. Not hard at all.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 13 Years Ago

Don't waste your time. The material consists of extremely broad concepts that really give you no legitimate understanding of world religions. Hillis is super nice and lectures are entertaining, but the material is so tediously boring it's impossible to stay interested. Easy A if you do the work, but good luck motivating yourself to actually do it.

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RGST21 . Hillis G A 14 Years Ago

Hillis is an amazing professor. He does all he can to accommodate you to his office hours when you need help. You can tell he understands his students and really wants them to do well. You can tell he is really passionate about Zen Buddhism. Very entertaining at 8am in the morning. Recommended class!!!

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 14 Years Ago

the class was really easy, and the lecutres were usually interesting. grade based on midterm, section, a loooong essay, and final. he gives you a study guide, just make sure to know all the stuff on it. the book was pretty good.

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RGST21 . Hillis G A 15 Years Ago

Fantastic Professor. His enthusiasm really helps you understand the material. Presents the material in an interesting and concise manner, and he's able to translate difficult concepts into lay mans terms. I highly recommend this professor to anyone interested in religious studies at ucsb.

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RG21 . Hillis G A 15 Years Ago

This class was ok....not great, there was a lot of history and reading on your own time to get the theory of Zen Buddhism. Greg was really nice and means well but is a little funny funky....if you like reading on your own and want a good intro to the history and traditions, this is the right class

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RGST21 . Hillis G A 15 Years Ago

He jokes around a lot in class. TAs are pretty laid back I'd say. The prof doesn't believe in grades, but assigns two papers and of course the final. Read the stuff and you'll do good. Class is easy compared to other classes.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 15 Years Ago

Hillis is incredibly entertaining. Teaches at a very mellow and easy pace, and does not ask too much of his students. Jolly fellow.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 15 Years Ago

Hillis is awesome! He made me want to become a RgST major. the class is very interesting and fun. he likes people to get involved in the conversation. You dont need the books if you attend lecture regularly, but its worth saving the money. i really want to take RgSt 21 with him, but that class fills up real quick.

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RS21 . Hillis G A 16 Years Ago

He is AWESOME. One of the best teachers i've had at UCSB. Fun, easy if you put in the work, and I love that he really enjoys teaching and you can tell. I highly recommend him!!!!

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RGST21 . Hillis G A 16 Years Ago

Very easy. Lectures are really boring though and he gets kinda sad when he notices everyone leaves in the middle of lecture. Don't read because he gives you a list of terms and essays that could be on the final. Just use wikipedia and you'll do great!

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RELIG1 . Hillis G A 16 Years Ago

really good prof. so funny and interesting.best class of last quarter

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 16 Years Ago

Super easy class. Don't need to do the reading, just attend lecture sparatically. Also, the honors section is WAY easier than the regular section, plus he's a total push over and gives everyone good grades because he likes them. Don't blow the $100 on the books, you don't need them, just use wikipedia to define the terms on the tests.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 16 Years Ago

Great prof, easy class, makes everything available before, so make sure you're good at memorizing. You learn a lot, and his lectures are very interesting. Test non cumulative, final worth 20%, section worth 40%, so make sure you go. Great class, highly recommended!!

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REL1 . Hillis G A 16 Years Ago

Hes a great professor. the class though it was early had me wanting more. It was interesting to learn about religions in the world his test were easy and he gave you a study guide with essays that would be on test so you couldnt really fail his test.great class. take it!

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 16 Years Ago

Tests are really easy. There are 3 tests, not cumulative. He posts the definitions and essay questions for the tests, so lecture is not mandatory. Section is worth 40% of your grade! Easy class, great teacher.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 17 Years Ago

even though it was an 8 o'clock class hillis always tried to make it interesting and you could tell how much he cares about the subject. he's also very funny. the midterm and final were SO easy he gave you a list of terms and essay topics and you just had to memorize them

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 17 Years Ago

Amazing teacher. I am actually taking another of his classes. The 8 am time isn't that bad. Lecture is not mandatory but does reiterate the ssential points enough so you are ready for the midterms and final. The tests in this class are rather easy if you are good at memorization! Take it, trust me!

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 17 Years Ago

This was my favorite class last quarter. The professor is really funny and you actually look forward to lecture. The tests aren't too bad since he gives a studyguide.

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RGST1 . Hillis G A 18 Years Ago

Loved the class, and Prof Hillis was amazingly funny and willing to do whatever it took to get the students to understand. Material and midterms weren't too bad either

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