
Rate My Professors (46)

ECON137B . 5 Years Ago

Loster is the man. Make sure he learns your name, he's hilarious. Most don't take this class seriously because it's an elective, but it's easy if you put an ounce of effort into it. Group case studies can be frustrating if your group sucks, but work is not difficult. He curves if needed. I studied 6-10 hours/exam and got an A+. TAKE HONORS SECTION!

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ECON118 . 6 Years Ago

Loster is the only professor who replies your email within 10 mins and provide you a lot of useful information.

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ECON137B . 6 Years Ago

Loster is the man! Every accounting classes in UCSB should be taught by him. His lectures are very dry and made me fall asleep many times because of his monotone voice and dry material BUT aside from class, he is very experienced in the accounting field/teaching and will have many awesome stories. If you can get his honors section, do it!

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ECON137B . 6 Years Ago

Loster is a really nice guy with lots of experience in accounting. His tests are good and the stuff he teaches sounds useful. I screwed up and got and F on one of my midterms, but I did well on the final so he gave me an A-. I'm graduating next quarter and I've liked all my accounting professors.

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ECON118 . 6 Years Ago

Loster is best accounting prof at UCSB hands down. Make sure he knows your name and that you participate in class discussions and you will do well.

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ECON3A . 8 Years Ago

Rarely teaches lower div accounting so got lucky taking this with him this past summer. He's a hilarious old guy who's retired twice, so he's got plenty of stories to tell. Gives fair exams, clearly knows his stuff, & gives 2 dollar bills if you catch a mistake during lecture. Take notes/read the book and you're set!

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ECON3A . 10 Years Ago

By far my favorite professor at UCSB so far. He's probably the best prof in the econ dept as well. Very helpful, very insightful, and will want to help you succeed. His jokes are absolutely terrible but you'll get used to them. Go to class, go to section, ace the projects, and you should at least get a B.

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ECON3A . 10 Years Ago

By far my favorite professor at UCSB so far. He's probably the best prof in the econ dept as well. Very helpful, very insightful, and will want to help you succeed. His jokes are abosolutely terrible but you'll get used to them. Go to class, go to section, ace the projects, and you should at least get a B.

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ECON3A . 10 Years Ago

Hands down best professor in the Econ department! Very helpful and super nice guy. He actually cares about his students' success, which is refreshing. Read the textbook, go to lecture (he gets an idea of who goes to lecture when he gives grades) and do his honor's section! If he knows you are interested in succeeding, he will make it happen.

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ECON182 . 10 Years Ago

The class was boring. But Professor Loster was really nice and lenient about the project and final. The most annoying thing was the project. Make sure you find the right people to work with otherwise it's going to be very hard....

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ECON182 . 10 Years Ago

Probably one of the driest classes I've taken at UCSB. Class and lecture is so boring, its painful. The upside is that Loster is a really cool and laid back guy. He's a retired lecturer now so he takes it very easy on the class. The group project is a little painful, but no midterm, and he's pretty lenient with grading

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ECON182H . 10 Years Ago

Loster is literally the man. Take his honors section and show him your remotely interested and make him remember you and you are destined to succeed in his class. final is predictable and exactly like his practice test. 4 page study sheet allowed during the final. Loster helps keep the class silly and makes the material less bland. HE IS THE MAN!

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ECON118 . 11 Years Ago

Loster's class is typical of most accounting and econ classes at UCSB, it's memorization with trickery on exams. Be sure to go over your exams as he's known for making grading errors. He's a nice guy but it's annoying to have to go to his office to get something corrected that should have been done right in the first place.

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ECON182 . 12 Years Ago

Loster is the man, but sitting through class is terrible. He is boring but luckily you don't need to go to class. Lecture slides are online. He gives out practice finals to look at so it's just a bunch of cramming. No midterm. Final during dead week. Group project is 40%, final is 40%, and hw is 20%. He also has extra credit assignments. Easy class

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ECON132A . 13 Years Ago

Like always, loster's classes are dry and boring. Every class consisted of ppt lecture. The grade breakdown is 40% group papers/presentation, 20% individual paper, 40% Final. The final was 40 MC questions, which were random. Everyone went out not knowing how they did. Warning: Be prepared to spend A LOT of time outside of class for group work.

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ECON118 . 14 Years Ago

took 118 with loster in the summer and got a B. class average was a 84. This was is a easy B but very hard A. we had a project that was 40%, hw 10%, and final 50%. Almost the whole class got A's on the project cause he's a lenient grader on that, but the final was a killer. Overall, take this class if you want an easy'll only learn a little t

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ECON3A . 14 Years Ago

I highly recommend taking Econ 3A with Loster. Let students use a sheet of paper with notes for the midterm and the final, which really helped a lot. Very fair grader considering he's part of the Econ department. If you can, take the honors section with him!

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ECON118 . 14 Years Ago

The class atmosphere was pretty easy. The professor was nice and he gave candies to students for halloween!! LOL! But he always made me fall asleep cause he talks quietly. If you sit in the back of the class, you need to pay xtra attention on what he's saying cause it's hard to hear. I only used the supplement for the class and never read the text.

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ECON118 . 14 Years Ago

Easy enough class. There is a group project. Take this class if you want an easy B, but not if you want to actually learn anything. He isnt actually a good professor, he just wants students to do well rather than learn. He teaches the class just for students to get a good grade but gives the final as if he actually taught something. So be prepared.

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ECON3A . 15 Years Ago

The subject can be a bit boring at times, but he tries to make it more interesting. He's pretty funny too.

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ECON3A . 15 Years Ago

Great guy. Tries to make accounting as enjoyable as it can be. Very nice and fairly easy. He makes jokes a lot and hands out 2 dollar bills at times. Take his honors section if you can!!!

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ECON3A . 15 Years Ago

Hard to get yourself to go to class, but useful in the end. Learning tool provides a little too much confidence for the tests, but do all the homework and projects and you will be totally fine.

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ECON3A . 15 Years Ago

loster is the****. 1. he's an aging man, but that does not take away from personality whatsoever. 2. he hands out crisp 2 dollar bills if someone calls him out on a math error in lecture. 3. you get a cheat sheet. 4. he has a very good sense of humor, makes jokes that are actually funny which is saying something for most professors. and he cares

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ECON3A . 15 Years Ago

keeps his classes entertaining. A genuinely nice guy, learned a lot from his lectures. Most of his lectures are useful, so always take notes.

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