
Rate My Professors (13)

PSTAT120A . 14 Years Ago

He's actually a good professor if you listen. He has a pretty strong accent but you get used to it. He assumed we all knew about series which I didn't learn until math 5c, but overall he's straightforward. The practice midterms and finals were good, too.

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PSTAT120A . 14 Years Ago

he is a good teacher, if you do the homework you pass the class, the midterm had problems taken out of recommended problems, and he curves at the end, sometimes he would get confused by his own examples but hi is a good guy.

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PSTAT120A . 14 Years Ago

he is horrible. barely understands the english language and so his tests make no freaking sense. i actually understand the homework and the class but completely failed the tests because his questions made no sense. DO NOT take this class with him if you need to learn.

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PSTAT160A . 15 Years Ago

One of the worst professors I've ever had. He's from France, and his english is difficult to understand. Plus, it's hard to read what he writes on the board. He doesn't really know how to teach, and he often posts wrong due dates on assignments, or does not post the reading for the assignments he gives. Don't take him if at all possible.

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120A . 18 Years Ago

What a sad professor. His class is a joke. If you just want to take his class to pass then I would take it with him becuase he curves. But if you actually want to learn do not take clases with this guy.

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222B . 18 Years Ago

Who are you to "throw points on the line??!!"

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PSTAT160AB . 19 Years Ago

Did he solve any stochastic process ever? Does not know enough math to teach stochastic process. Bad english!

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PSTAT223C . 19 Years Ago

This professor says everything is easy. Just hand waives, proves nothing in the class. If mathematics was so easy, why could not he publish a single paper in life, click his reserach in his website, always dead. Everybody was bored in the class. Gave just one homework in whole course. How could he teach a graduate course with no research? Avoid him

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PSTAT160AB . 19 Years Ago

Quite to the contrary of what others have written here, Dr. Bonnet is a dedicated and knowledgeable instructor as well as a nice guy.

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223C . 19 Years Ago

If you want to learn something useful, then stay away from this man, because you are absolutely wasting your precious time if you take ANY class with him. There are many other wonderful, qualified, helpful, and modest professors at UCSB to learn from... Once you see through appearances, you find out he is NOT what he portrays himself to be.

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PSTAT120A . 19 Years Ago

i have no idea why the other reviewers didn't like this guy. he's very straightforward, great use of the board, great webpage, great correlation with book, and prepares you for the test if you do your hw. overall, a very *organized* professor. his french accent is pretty thick though, but still understandable.

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160A . 19 Years Ago

Is this guy a maron or what? The textbook explains things much better and it has a better personality than him. Avoid him like the plague.

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210 . 19 Years Ago

This guy does not know enough about the subject of measure theory to be teaching it. What an idiot! I cannot believe that this guy get a job in the Department of Statistics. It must be out of nepotism. His lectures were gibberish and his writing on the board is chicken scratch. Avoid him!!!

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