Rate My Professors (23)

129MG . Gurven M D 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

The tests were unnecessarily complexly worded. When students asked questions in class or tried to answer his questions, he was pretty condescending.The class is mislabeled as Behavior Ecology on Gold but was actually a Hunter gatherer ecology class. I did like the limited amount of assignments, but just beware that they're graded harshly

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129MG . Gurven M D 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

His TA (Yoann Buoro) sucks. His TA will take away points for the dumbest things. I had so many points taken away for things that were not even on the rubric. If you want to be constantly emailing the TA about why you got the grade you did just for him to just say a lot of nothing take this class.This TA is so bad beware.

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ANTH129MG . Gurven M D 3 Years Ago

Gurven is very passionate and tries his best to make lecture interesting. Class is graded by 4 homework assignments (only 1 math), and a midterm and a final. He gave us 5 days to do the open book, open note midterm. There's a lot of readings but you can get away with skimming them. The class isn't a super easy A but it is by no means difficult.

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129MG . Gurven M D 3 Years Ago

Hands down the worst anthro class I've ever taken as an anth major. If you want to graduate or get a good grade, please don't take this class. The lectures and material are confusing and doesn't apply to the homework or exams. FYI, there's a lot of MATH required for this class. I was definitely not expecting an anthro class to assign math HW

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ANTH161 . Gurven M D 4 Years Ago

The actual lectures were pretty interesting, but did not relate directly to assignments. I had to spend a lot of time outside of class on projects and they were graded pretty harshly. The final was really hard to prepare for, long, and difficult.

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ANTH169 . Gurven M D 4 Years Ago

An amazing professor! He really wants his students to learn and is super passionate. This class required a lot of readings but you could get away with skimming a lot of them - just know the main points! It's a discussion based class, but adapted to an online format really well due to COVID.

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ANTH169 . Gurven M D 4 Years Ago

Gurven is one of those professors that makes you work for an A, but he does an amazing job of giving you everything you need to succeed. In this class, he did a great job building every week on previous topics and creating a bigger picture and a "why this matters ". He has a great sense of humor and cares about students. Took during COVID online.

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145 . Gurven M D 9 Years Ago

Hard to follow lectures if you don't do & understand the concepts from the reading but still doable if you fall a bit behind. His office hours are very useful if you have trouble with the homework. 1 take home final and 1 paper. Paper was interesting because he lets you choose your topic. Don't wait to start the take home final it takes time.

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ANTH145 . Gurven M D 9 Years Ago

There are 5 HW assignments that require knowledge in basic stats and especially excel, but if you've taken Anth 161 or Anth 9, you should be fine. It's very basic excel stuff. The final paper is 4-5 pages long and is very easy. There was no midterm and a take home final exam, which was easy, with the exception of a couple questions. Easy stuff.

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ANTH161 . Gurven M D 12 Years Ago

Ugh. Gurven is so boring and unenthusiastic. HMWK directions are vague and Gurven proved to be unhelpful throughout the course. He's a smart man, but he is so dull. Going to class was torture since his voice put me to sleep.

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ANTH169 . Gurven M D 13 Years Ago

His class is difficult. You have to turn in a 1-2 page paper every class, and the midterm is difficult. Requires a lot of in class participation, a very long take-home midterm, a final project and an optional presentation. Don't take this class unless you know for a fact your other classes will be easy.

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ANTH161 . Gurven M D 13 Years Ago

yikes! He was intimidating and would randomly call on people. Tried to crack jokes, but always talked in a monitone voice. Some of the material was really interesting but I hated going to class, because he was so boring. Some of the information is really challenging especially when statistics and stuff comes in.

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ANTH169 . Gurven M D 15 Years Ago

One of the hardest classes I have ever taken. You must read every assigned reading- and there are ALOT! the class requires a 15+ page project/paper on cooperation. the midterm is essays and short answer. If you do not read or go to class DO NOT TAKE THIS CLASS. yet- he is the smartest man i have ever met and funny too. his class is amazing!!

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ANTH169 . Gurven M D 16 Years Ago

Best professor ever! So smart and so helpful if you are willing to do the work. Very professional and very supportive.

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ANTH129M . Gurven M D 16 Years Ago

The worst midterm I have ever taken in my life! Most people did pretty bad on it! There is a final 10 page paper which is not to thrilling. Don't take this class unless you love hunters and gatherers...if you do, you will adore this class.

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ANTHCOOP . Gurven M D 16 Years Ago

Evolution of Cooperation. One of my favorite professors. He would post up his hands at the front of class on the table, and just spit straight knowledge. One of the smartest teachers I have had and anybody saying he is not good just was not interested in the material. You have to read and be engaged. Game Theory is hard, other than that..

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ANTH169 . Gurven M D 17 Years Ago

Gurven is amazing, I wish I wasn't finishing up at UCSB so I could learn more from the man. You have to read and do the work, but it's def. worth it!!

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ANTH169 . Gurven M D 17 Years Ago

The best professor i have had so far at ucsb. he is literally the most intelligent man i have ever been in the same room with. you have to do all the reading, attend all the classes, and work very hard to get an a, but you will not regret it. the information you will have learned is truly stimulating.

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ANTH129MG . Gurven M D 18 Years Ago

worst anthro class i have ever taken. it was painful!

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ANTH129MG . Gurven M D 18 Years Ago

Worst class ever!! First of all the other ratings say he is hot and he is definately not. He talks in monotone and the class is soo boring. There is3 10pts homework problems that are basically confusing math problems and the midterm was horrible. Its 20 short answer essay asking specific questions about the readings and the final is 7-14 paper aah.

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197 . Gurven M D 19 Years Ago

he is so goofy and he is so hot. i would come to class just to see him. i loved his class and would fail it just to see him again :):)

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DEMOGRAPHY . Gurven M D 19 Years Ago

super hot, great delivery!! True genius and an asset to the university. Someday he will rule the anth dept!

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HBE . Gurven M D 19 Years Ago

Dynamic Scientist. Not only a great teacher, but also active in research; top notch graduate advisor, and fully invested in the success of his students, all the way from the classroom to graduation and beyond. Highly recommended.

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