
Rate My Professors (23)

ANTH167 . 6 Years Ago

The lectures can be a little confusing and they have a lot of pictures. He is very knowledgeable on the subject. Only a midterm and a final, no multiple choice. The questions come right from the study guides.

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ANTHRO100 . 11 Years Ago

Very passionate professor. Lecture isn't necessary but definitely helps you understand the readings. Easily the nicest most down to earth prof i've ever had. I've taken as many of his classes as possible. Get to know him and he'll help you whenever possible

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ANTH160 . 11 Years Ago

Jochim is a great teacher. His class is easy as long as you do the study guides. For the midterm we were given 19 questions and only 4 were on the test (which sucked, but I managed a B). Final we were given 12 much more difficult questions, 3 are on the exam. Lectures not mandatory, all slides are posted, and no weekly homework or essays!!

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ANTH127 . 11 Years Ago

Pretty easy class. I never went to class [lectures online!] and got a solid B. There are two midterms and a final and he gives the questions that will be on the test before hand. [those are based on readings and lectures]

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ANTH127 . 11 Years Ago

IDK why the person below me said you do not need to do the readings, because his study guides (which are exactly like the test) are HEAVILY based on the reading. If you do not do the readings or scan through, you will have a difficult time filling out the study guide. Simple class, go to his lectures and visit his office hours.

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ANTH127 . 11 Years Ago

Good professor, really good lectures. Gives study guides that cover test material. It's worth it to attend his lectures. You won't have to do the reading as much.

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ANTH100 . 12 Years Ago

really good teacher. knowns his stuff. grade based on 2 papers, 1 midterm, 1 final. test questions come straight from study guide.

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ANTH127 . 12 Years Ago

attend every class and the exams will be very simple, and reading will not be required.

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ANTH127 . 13 Years Ago

This Professor is really friendly and approachable. The tests were all very straight forward (he gave our class a study guide with all the possible questions, verbatim, but only chose a few for the test). If you use the study guide and read the slides (online) you will be sure to get a good grade!

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ANTH160 . 14 Years Ago

This man is a great lecturer, as well as a fair assessor of the students comprehension of the material. He is also one of the nicest and most approachable professors at UCSB. Take this professor if you get the chance.

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ANTH160 . 14 Years Ago

I love him! Lectures not mandatory (if slides are online), but fun to go to because he is so passionate about his subject (and he usually lets class out early as well). His classes are always just a midterm and a final. It's great to see a professor whose so interested in his subject and who has personally made such a strong contribution to it!

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ANTH167 . 14 Years Ago

He isn't an easy professor.. He expects a lot, very specific answers. But he's an excellent professor. He really knows his stuff and he's really passionate about it. Taking one of his classes is definitely worth it!

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ANTH160 . 15 Years Ago

Nice enough guy. Really, really laid back (not always a good thing). The readings were cool, and his ppts were fine. I couldn't figure out what he wanted on his exams. Other students told me to go to his office hours cuz he gives away answers or something. Wouldn't take another class from him unless I had to. Shame cuz I liked the material.

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ANTH127 . 15 Years Ago

Professor is pretty marginal, not very impressed. The grading was ridiculous, but mainly because of the dyslexic TA who can't read proper English and looks for very specific phrases. You definitely can't BS a test because she can't read sentences! There are three exams with short and long answer questions. They got easier as the course went along

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ANTH100 . 15 Years Ago

His lectures are great, his study guide covered everything he tested on. His expectations for you are very clear, it's not necessary to come to class but you'll want to any way. Definately take a class from Jochim, it's worth it!

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ANTH127 . 17 Years Ago

Lectures aren't mandatory, but if you don't go, you'll feel lost studing for the exams. You really didn't have to read if you went to lectures. Make friends for a class like this, and visit office hours. He really knew what he was talking about, and if he didn't know the answer to a specific question, he would look into it. I hope to have him again

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ANTH167 . 17 Years Ago

Excellent class!

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ANTH127 . 17 Years Ago

One of the best teachers at UCSB. i loved the class. It was kind of difficult but if you do the reading you'll be fine. He is extremely intelligent and one of the nicest and most approachable professors i have ever met.

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ANTH127 . 19 Years Ago

Class is not difficult, midterm and takehome final worth 50% each but I am horrible at take home finals which hurt my final grade after getting an A- on midterm. First half of class is much more interesting than the second. Jochim is acually a pretty down to earth professor, good lecturer, and likes to talk to students.

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ANTH127 . 19 Years Ago

Class was very easy. As long as you go to lecture and take notes from his slides, all you need to do is rewrite his notes for the papers. Extremely approachable and willing to help. I went to his office hours for the final and he gave me TONS of hints... and I got 96%.

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ANTH127 . 19 Years Ago

You'd think a class called Hunter and Gatherer's would be an easy class... Not with Jochim. He is a good professor and he was very helpful if you say him personally in office hours. Class was intense with lots of information. Grading SUCKS (especially the T.A.) He expects a lot without telling you.

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ANTH170 . 20 Years Ago

I took European Prehistory with Jochim and he really knows his stuff, especially about the mesolithic in Europe. He had many new insites, and did his best to get the class to participate in discussions. A nice guy.

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ANT127 . 21 Years Ago

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