
Rate My Professors (24)

HIST151A . 12 Years Ago

Prof. Dutra is very , very old school. Just him talking and maybe a projector which he writes important dates, words, and people on. Very nice lecturer who is always willing to help in office hours (his office should be seen to be believed!) Don't buy all the books, instead get the Mid Term/Final ques. then buy the books needed for the 2 questions.

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HIST151A . 12 Years Ago

Very easy Professor, he gives you the final and midterm questions on the first day of class and tells you the page numbers to read to find the answers. It's all memorization and spitting it back out on the midterm/final. If you end up getting less than a A-/B+ in this class you don't deserve to be in college, simple as that.

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A151 . 12 Years Ago

Really nice professor... but the class is everything but clear with him!

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HIST2B . 13 Years Ago

You get the midterm and final questions ahead of time, so go to OH and plan your answers with your TA. Essay prompts were pretty straight-forward. Very easy class for GE.

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HIST2B . 13 Years Ago

This was the worst class i've taken yet! Lecture was so boring. I went the first half of the quarter and always walked away with a list of names and no info. Two confusing paper prompts that TA's could barely explain. Were given the essay questions for midterms and finals in advance

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HIST2B . 13 Years Ago

If you take History 2B, the whole grade is just 2 essays, a midterm and final, and section attendance. The final and midterm are essay questions, but he gives you the questions on the first day of class, so all you really need to do is read the chapter on the question, then BS to get an A.

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HIST2B . 13 Years Ago

This class is really not that hard. You get all the questions for the midterms and final on the syllabus and they are directly underneath the reading you need for that week. Read the textbook, don't bother with lectures much. Outline the essays before the exam and communicate with your TA on if you got everything they'll look for. You'll be fine.

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HIST2B . 13 Years Ago

Simple and easy class, he gives you the midterm and final questions and covers each topic in class. Lecture attendance is not required because you can just read out of the book anyway. Grading is dependent on the TA. A somewhat boring professor who rambles a lot in lecture and is very unfamiliar with the "new technology" such as PowerPoint.

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HIST157A . 13 Years Ago

Overall I can't say I was a huge fan of the course. Probably because he was the only course I got a B in and I don't really understand why. He gives you the exam qs ahead of time but I guess he is looking for a few mandatory things that I didn't pick up on despite going to almost every lecture and doing the readings specific to the qs I chose.

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HIST157A . 13 Years Ago

He really rambles a lot. We didn't read one single primary document which was really strange. But, his tests are easier than third grade multiplication tests.

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HIST155A . 14 Years Ago

Solid Class. Lectures can be a little tedious since he does not utilize powerpoint. He also gets sidetracked easily. However, he is very funny and likeable. Tests are extremely fair - he puts them on the syllabus so you know them from day 1. Easy to talk to and has a sense of duty to teach his students. Attendance is required. Highly recommend

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HIST155 . 17 Years Ago

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HIST2B . 18 Years Ago

Very easy. He gives you midterm and final questions at the beginning of class. You only need to read for the questions you want to answer. He will proofread your answers. But his lectures are always boring and he rarely makes eye contacts with students during lectures. He is very approachable and very kind.

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HIST157B . 18 Years Ago

He gives you the midterm and Final Questions ahead of time, so you know exactly what reading you have to do for you course, so it is pretty easy. Although, his lectures are repeatitive and boring. Yet I do like his dry humor and how he laughs at the events in history.

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HIST153 . 18 Years Ago

Very esay....If you read....You only have to read for the questions you do. You get the midterm and final questions ahead of time. If you cannot get an A in Dutra's, rethink you're college career.

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HISTORY153 . 18 Years Ago

He is not particularly difficult but he is probably the most repetitive and boring teacher I’ve ever had, and I’ve had some bad ones. He also has a lot of little things he doesn't like that he will totally destroy your grade for, and he doesn’t always tell you about them until after you’ve done them.

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100 . 18 Years Ago

A great teacher and very approachable

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HIS151A . 19 Years Ago

Took one of his classes back in the Fall of 2001 - from what I remembner a very interesting professor; relevant reading assignments; overall a very good class.

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HISTORY157 . 19 Years Ago

Very easy teacher took two classes and got As.

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156ABITHINK . 19 Years Ago

Lectures are somewhat tedius, especially considering that they are late at night. But Pirates and the Sodomy Tradition was one of my favorite books in college

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155A . 19 Years Ago

you only have to go on the first day and test days with Dutra cause he gives u all the test Q's on the first day and the readings have all the info, just cram before the tests and write a decent paper and u will get B

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2B . 19 Years Ago

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Prof. Dutra is straight forward about his testing methods and fair as long as the student does the work required of him. He is one of those rare Profs. who actually want you to LEARN, not just retain for two hours. He is very approachable and incredibly helpful - there aren't many like him!

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HISTORY155E . 19 Years Ago

Dutra is an awesome professor, in that you will learn a lot, and that he is a great guy to talk to if you have any problems. Very concerned with his students. Very up front, gives great handouts. My only complaint is that his lectures can be tough to follow at times, he skips around too much.

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