
Rate My Professors (26)

SOC2 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Profe Santos is a dope professor. He gives a lot of insight and gives different perspectives on youth gangs. However, it would be helpful if his lectures were more structured.

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SOCIO101 . 14 Years Ago

All I can is take his class, you'll be glad you did. His approach is true and refreshing, and very eye opening.

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SOC175 . 16 Years Ago

Once again....great class! He can articulate his words better than anyone I know! He is a great professor, TA, & mentor. He demands respect & keeps it real which is refreshing if you are a student who is in class to learn and not just spend your parents money! Thank you Xuan

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SOC154F . 16 Years Ago

Great teaching style and a pleasure to sit in his classes. Very brilliant and original. I feel enlightened by his way of teaching that I will never forget his lessons.Every student should take him before graduating.

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SOC2 . 16 Years Ago

he is to into what he thinks and not what others think

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SOC170 . 17 Years Ago

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SOC170 . 17 Years Ago

I was not happy with this class. It ended up being more of a chicano studies and gangs course. He often uses foul language. Lectures were minimal on useful information and he used the stage to promote his liberal ideals. He gave biased arguments instead of giving us entire pictures, therefore, there was no need for critical thinking. I got an A.

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SOC170 . 17 Years Ago

This class is a must before graduating especialy if your major is sociology, Santos class will make you think about deviance through out the day and everyday and hopefully through out the rest of your life.

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SOC108ST . 18 Years Ago

Does not speak down to us and always makes class exciting. Invites community members to his classes. Innovative in his dynamic teaching. Must take his class before you graduate. This was my last and BEST class at UCSB.

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SOCIOLOGY144 . 18 Years Ago

A pleasure to take his classes. Never a dull moment and for being an 8AM class I found myself interested in everything taught by this man. Great teaching, amazing personal stories, and highly organized. Powerpoints very artsy and animated. A must before graduating UCSB.

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SOC154F . 18 Years Ago

El profe Xuan is the best instructor ever. At first I thought he was an undergrad since he looks very young, but then when he started to lecture I was like WTF. The knowledge did not match his dress and the way he carries himself. I'm proud of this man since I know his struggles and authentic love for his background.

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SOCIOLOGY144 . 18 Years Ago

I enjoyed every lecture...full of energy, funny, passionate, combines sociology with his life experiences, and keeps it real. In your face teaching and assigns wonderful reading material. He does not cover the reading, but if you do read the lectures make a lot of sense. For an 8AM class I always showed up, even when I was sick. All-around prof.

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SOC154F . 18 Years Ago

This is the best class I ever took at UCSB. As a White dude I was blown away with my priviledge and now I want to change things. Thank you Prof. 4 helping me find myself. A+ Course

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SOC . 18 Years Ago

First of all, I got an A in his class. So, people who don't agree with his teaching style and material are not SLACKERS.You take a class to learn something but when you take his class you hear a BS lecture that is what he thinks. It didn't seem like he did any research on the material he presented. A grad student should not teach this class!

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SOC154F . 19 Years Ago

OMG...I can't believe how people can hate and make up lies. He is from East Los Angeles and he is genuine. Palm Spring? WTF I bet U haters failed his classes and slacked. Do your work losers.

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SOCIOLOGY . 19 Years Ago

Why are people so amazed with this guy? I know alot of passionate people, that are actually out in their community doing something. His research is pathetic, what street credibility? he lives in palm springs? Hes cashing in on his ethnicity.

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LAFAMILIA . 19 Years Ago

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True Xuan is not a prof., but he still has the passion that a lot of teachers lack, if anyone disagrees w/him let him kno. He's a real cool person who helps bring book and street knowledge into one.

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SOC144 . 19 Years Ago

first of all hes not a professor, hes a grad student on a power trip, he doesnt know how to teach, blows his own horn, and talks a whole lot about community when he doesnt do anything in the community..if your gonna talk the talk WALK THE WALK!

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Great professor!! Full of passion and knowledge. Presents material in a way that makes it real to the student. Dynamic presenter, he is so intense that the light hearted may feel uncomfortable. Definitely someone you should get to know!!

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SOC154F . 19 Years Ago

Interesting material but executed in a poor manner. Every other word was profanity, their are many other words to get your point across. Lectures fueled w/anger & constant **** remarks about "Anglos"Yet he preaches about how we have to stop discriminating. He should take a closer look at himself

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SOC154F . 19 Years Ago

Gladys and Xuan are the first professors at UCSB to give me my money's worth. I learned a lot about my identity, family pride, and gender roles. Even though I am White, I have a deep appreciation for people of color perspectives. Can you say, "THE BEST PROFESSORS at UCSB!"

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SOC144 . 19 Years Ago

Xuan is not only an up and comming star at UCSB, but also in the academic and activist communities. Though I was among a minority of white students in his Chicana/o Studies class, I enjoyed every moment and never felt an outsider. Don't miss any class he teaches!

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