
Rate My Professors (28)

121C . 5 Years Ago

Clear and easy to understand. Little work compared to other art history classes. But a little boring and dry possibly because I am not interested in artworks from 1900-present. Modernism, industrial revolution, urbanism, female painters O'Keeffe, immigration, racism...I feel like intense memorization on these topics is unnecessary.

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ARTHI121C . 6 Years Ago

Took this class to fill a GE requirement and I actually got some what into it. Prof. Robertson is so interested in what he's teaching is hard not to be interested as well. Very nice man and you can tell he wants his student to succeed regardless of their major. Grades lightly on the exams because he realizes we all aren't as enthusiastic about art.

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ARTHI5B . 6 Years Ago

This is such a cool class! There's not a midterm or final, just projects and section assignments. Attendance is not mandatory and you don't use any of the lecture material for anything but I chose to go 95% of the time since it's just a super cool and interesting class. For an art history credit, most definitely take this class.

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ARTHI5B . 6 Years Ago

Loved Dr. Robertson's class. Lectures and readings weren't really important (even though his lectures are interesting and cool); group project worth half your grade that can be fun depending on your group. Robertson was a really personable professor and knows his stuff, highly recommend taking him and/or this class.

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ARTHI5B . 6 Years Ago

Going to lecture and doing the reading isnt really necessary but sometimes he takes attendance. All that matters is section. There are a few p/np assignments, an essay worth 25% and a group project (presentation and essay) worth 50% of your grade. Its a fairly interesting class but if youre not interested in the subject youll be bored.

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ARTHI5B . 9 Years Ago

I took an art history class before and thought it would be interesting to see art from a museum standpoint. Lectures are long and boring and you don't need them at all. No tests, but there is a group project worth 50% of your grade. I would personally rather take the test so I could actually use his lectures. Only take this if it interests you

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ARTHI121B . 10 Years Ago

Dr. Robertson is an incredible teacher. Knowledgeable, succinct, and very clear with class goals. I am a bio major and was nervous about taking this art history class, but ended up with a much larger appreciation for art. I feel like art majors may get more from this class because the teacher is so packed with great information.

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ARTH121B . 10 Years Ago

Professor Robertson knows what he is talking about when giving lectures. He knows little facts and pretty much everything known about a specific painting. His voice isn't the most exciting, but I enjoyed coming to lecture because he livened up the class. Really cool guy too!

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ARTHI121B . 10 Years Ago

Really nice guy. For the midterm, he basically puts up a couple pictures and asks a question about it them that he went over in class. Paper and midterm determine your grade. Final is not mandatory if you did well on the paper/midterm. I got an 81 on the midterm and 96 on the paper and didn't have to take the final to get an A-. Easier than it seem

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AH101 . 10 Years Ago

Professor Robertson is the reason I became an Art History major. His genuine concern for his students and passion for the subject matter makes him one of the universities finest professors. He is very smart and knowledgeable yet approachable. In addition, he has so much real world experience which he shares with is students. Highly recommend.

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ARTHI6C . 13 Years Ago

He is kind of a stereotype when it comes to art professor. Exactly the type of monotone man you would find in an art museum. With that said hes pretty good at what he does and the subject is pretty interesting

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ARTHI6C . 13 Years Ago

It sucked going to class at 8am but it wasn't really that bad. Yes, he was boring, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. All you had to do was do one assignment a week and memorize paintings for the midterm and final. If you do that you'll be fine, I thought it was easy.

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ARTHI6C . 14 Years Ago

I took the 6A-C series, and he was my least favorite prof. Felt like he didn't show the enthusiasm that the other two profs had. He just put up his slides without making it clear which ones were important. I may just be grumpy because it was an 8:00 class.

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ARTHI6C . 14 Years Ago

Very boring professor, speaks in a monotone. I didn't really learn much, and the art he showed us was really ugly. Wouldn't recommend.

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ARTHI6C . 14 Years Ago

Robertson gave very insightful lectures and was definitely on top of the material. I learned a lot from his class and the grading was extremely fair (30% midterm, 20% weekly writing, 20% attendance in section/lecture, 30% final). THe only thing is he never ventured from the podium and did not get any class input. Would take again though.

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ARTH6 . 14 Years Ago

This prof. Isn't helpful! Only ares about attendance and not about you knowing the material! Most boring lectures ever!

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ARTHI6C . 16 Years Ago

Very boring and was absent a lot and had guest speakers. Only one midterm, short paper (3 pages) and a final. Easy class if you memorize the paintings. Don't bother buying the book, there is very few readings so just borrow it from a friend!!!

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ARTHI121B . 17 Years Ago

Ridiculously boring/easy. If you're not an art history major, just take it for easy units like I did.

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ARTHI121B . 17 Years Ago

The class had some interesting points... but compared other Art History courses i've taken this one was a complete bore. I had trouble hearing him, he either talks to softly or too quickly and he tries to go over too many things in one lecture. Go to class and you'll do fine... if his lectures were more focused it would be easier to pay attention

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ARTHI6C . 17 Years Ago

this guy was practically senile... the best thing i learned in this class was how to do the black belt sudoku. it was an easy class though!

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ARTHI6C . 18 Years Ago

i went into this class HATING art. now, I want to be an arthi major. Many people said he was the most boring professor ever, but he was very straight forward and if you were interested in the topic and are willing to give it a chance, it's very very interesting. take this class!

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ARTHISTORY6C . 18 Years Ago

Robertson is a great Professor, however I do agree that he can be boring. Some guest lecturers were ok, but make sure you attend the DADA one! Easy midterm and easy final, medium paper. Great presentation of lectures, very clear.

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ARTHIST6C . 18 Years Ago

Robertson is a very boring professor, but the class was very informative and interesting. Definitely an easy class as long as you study for the tests (lots of memorization) and write the paper. The TA's are also very helpful.

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ARTHI6C . 18 Years Ago

An easy class (memorization like other ArtHi classes every week and one 6-8pg. paper in addition to midterm and final). He missed out on multiple lectures throughout the quarter which made it hard and uninteresting with guest lecturers and images weren't uploaded to the course website each week. TA for the course was really helpful.

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