
Rate My Professors (38)

CMPSC174B . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Great lectures, very clear. Easy to approach and ask questions.

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CMPSC174B . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

I decided to take this class to explore how databases are structured and the logic behind query languages such as SQL. After nearly finishing this class I can gladly say that Divy was THE professor to take when you have those questions. His lectures are recorded and his slides go in depth. There were 3 homework assignments. 2 Midterms and no final

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CMPSC174B . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Great at explaining and is very interesting class. Clearly cares about students and actively interacts with students in lectures

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CS130A . 3 Years Ago

Not the best at teaching (lectures were pretty dry) but he's very lenient and accommodating, especially with the online format. Some of the homework/exam questions were poorly phrased, but they're not that hard to answer and he and his staff are very generous with helping to clarify the questions. Definitely could be a lot worse, not a bad choice

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CS130A . 3 Years Ago

For some reason, I have always struggled extremely in classes taught by Divyakant Agarwal. Lectures are long, yet he's somehow always behind. Exams are often terribly worded and attempts at clarification serve to confuse rather than to help. Idk man I wish I could pinpoint what exactly makes him so terrible but ig I'll just say don't take him

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CS130A . 3 Years Ago

Lectures were long and slow. Sometimes Agrawal did not have time to go over all material. Sometimes his explanations were unclear or confusing. This is an especially important class, and I suggest going with someone who is more organized and clear. Upside, I did learn what was expected in this class. Projects are worth a lot in his classes!

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CMPSC24 . 3 Years Ago

Divy is an extremely disorganized lecturer. He goes over the bare minimum simple, basic aspects of each concept and expects you to pull much more complicated algorithms out of thin air. However, if you're not opposed to teaching yourself, the class itself is fair. The tests are challenging but not timed, and projects make up most of the grade.

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CMPSC24 . 3 Years Ago

Literally you will learn nothing from his lectures. Prepare for self-studying a whole quarter. By the way, I dont know whats the reason. He NEVER reply my email like homework questions, lectures questions, etc.

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CS24 . 4 Years Ago

The lectures were very confusing and disorganized. I had trouble understanding what he was trying to teach. First midterm was a mess but he took in feedback for the second midterm which made it alot better. He gave projects that were built on top of each other, so it helps to keep your code organized.

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CMPSC24 . 4 Years Ago

I would never learn anything during his lectures. He is disorganize and seems not to care about teaching. His projects were tedious and annoying. Some of his exams were written badly. However, I did learn a lot through the labs and homework assignments he assign. I would avoid him if possible, but if you can't just be ready to learn own your own.

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CS24 . 4 Years Ago

If you're here to really learn, turn away. Okay lecturer, but doesn't really explain much. Lectures are disorganized I didn't know half the time what he was on about. Projects boring. Midterm was a disaster. No one in charge (Professor was not present). Second midterm improved and was well written. Final was also fair. Overall, an okay class.

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CMPSC24 . 4 Years Ago

Lectures are extremely disorganized, it's as if he puts no thought or effort into organizing or structuring the class whatsoever. The midterms were easy, however the final was extremely hard, even if you studied in advance. Although the material is not difficult, when you don't have a teacher, how are you supposed to learn?

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CS24 . 4 Years Ago

Divy was a bit disorganized as a lecturer, but there isn't a lot to teach in CS24 so it was alright. As long as you do your due diligence on homework and projects I wouldn't sweat it. Tests do not make up that much of the grade, so the class is rather forgiving in that sense.

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CMPSC24 . 4 Years Ago

terribly written test and disorganized lectures

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CS170 . 5 Years Ago

Doesn't know what he's doing. Took all class materials from some other professor and sucks at lecturing. Because he borrowed all the projects and homeworks without picking up any of the actual lecturing skill, everything is way harder than it should be. I'd give this guy a 0 if I could. NEVER take OS with him.

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CMPSC24 . 5 Years Ago

Professor Agrawal can be a bit disorganized, but he really wants his students to succeed. The homework was straightforward, as were the midterms. The first project was easy, the second was very doable but time consuming so don't procrastinate. The final was MUCH harder than the midterms, but I think it was curved. And just fyi I'm not a CS major.

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CMPSC24 . 5 Years Ago

No curve in the end! Midterms were easy but final was so hard. You have to learn almost everything by yourself.

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CMPSC24 . 6 Years Ago

Grading for the class is heavily curved in the end. Both midterms were incredibly easy, but the final was surprisingly difficult. Paired project assigned twice throughout the quarter which isn't too difficult, but will test your skill. If you understand lectures, homework, projects and tests are very doable.

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CS24 . 7 Years Ago

Generous grading on everything. He cares about the problem solving aspect of your answers, so he ignores if you have the wrong syntax of your code. Very flexible with class demands. Got 1 page front and back for two midterms and 2 pages front and back for final. Tests are straight-forward and sometimes out of the book. Projects is manageable.

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CMPSC24 . 8 Years Ago

He is absolutely awful, he is the kind of professor you wish you never get. His lecture is very unclear, and unorganized. NEVER hold his office hours, and homework will take you forever to finish because you can learn nothing in his lecture. He wrote everything include like 2 page long code on black board and awful hand writing make things harder.

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CS24 . 12 Years Ago

The exams are tricky but open book. The final was take home but took me more than 16 hours to complete. I do not like him personally but his grading is very generous. I got B for both midterms and A- for the final. I end up with an A+ in the class. Just do the projects as early as you can because they were extremely difficult.

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CS24 . 12 Years Ago

I seem to be in the minority, as I think Agrawal was actually a really decent professor. Sure, he seemed very immature sometimes, but I learned A LOT about CS. He's also extremely fair in grading. I failed the first project, didn't do too hot on any of my tests, and still managed a B+. Avoid if you can, but don't fret if you can't.

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CSW12 . 12 Years Ago

Avoid him if you can. I did pretty well in the class overall, but he is not a good teacher. He gets angry when people don't respond to his incomprehensible questions in lecture. TAs can be helpful, depending on who you get. One of them was helping me with a segmentation fault on my project and basically made it so that the whole thing didn't work.

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CS24 . 12 Years Ago

Overall this was a great class. Projects take a LONG time to complete but in the end you learn a lot despite how difficult and time consuming they are. Going to his office hours was very helpful for the project, as well as the TA's. labs and homework are usually pretty easy...midterms and final arent too bad as long as you study

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