
Rate My Professors (65)

COMM87 . 7 Years Ago

No final, 3 exams. Study guides are really really helpful; go over them and you should be fine. Her slides are outlined really well and she ensures the class in understanding. Lots of examples to really get a grip on the theoretical stuff. Not a lot of actual math, just a lot of concepts. Reader was available for free as a PDF on GauchoSpace.

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COMM87 . 9 Years Ago

This was honestly the easiest class I've ever taken in my entire life. The material is very simple, and she goes over everything in extreme detail which it makes it even easier. She gives great study guides for the tests--if you know everything on the study guide you will get an A. No final, but the chance to retake a midterm instead.

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COMM87 . 10 Years Ago

OMG I LOVE her. Her slides are outlined perfectly BUT this class does require you to read and put in extra work. The textbook is extremely helpful! Shes super sweet but speaks in a low voice. DO the homework because that keeps you up to date. Her exams are STRAIGHT TO THE POINT, not like Mullin at all! Which is good...

5 helpful 3 unhelpful
COMM170 . 11 Years Ago

Kind of a boring topic but Metzger is a wonderful teacher w/ a real passion for the subject. Took as a 3-week course over summer - final is 85% of grade but its open-note/book. Test requires you to THINK, as does her class. Didn't study but took good notes so I was fine. I'd rec taking it for summer but not a full quarter. Got an A & you could too!

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COMM170 . 11 Years Ago

Horrible not take her.

3 helpful 5 unhelpful
COMM87 . 11 Years Ago

DO NOT TAKE COMM 87 WIH METZGER, YOU WILL REGRET IT. Opt for Weber, or another. I paid attention in every lecture, section, and read, and it was still confusing. Got a D with her, retook it with another professor and got a dramatically better grade and actually learned. Save yourself, and your GPA.

4 helpful 2 unhelpful
COMM87 . 11 Years Ago

If you have the option to take this class with ANY other professor, do so. Her lectures are useless, and her TA (Powers) is just as clueless as she is. I was constantly lost, even when attending lectures and reading the book. Her lectures and tests were impossible to comprehend, and full of mistakes.

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COMM87 . 11 Years Ago

Really helpful and organized professor, her lectures are easy to follow and makes concepts easy to understand. Definitely recommend her! Readings are about 15 pages or so a week, with weekly assignments. The textbook helps a lot. There are three tests, you're allowed one retake.

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COMM87 . 11 Years Ago

Easiest math class you will ever take. She makes it so easy for us communication majors, as long as you do the homework every week and study for the exams, it's a really easy class. There are three exams and the final one is the week before finals, and the day of the scheduled final she lets you retake one of the three exams if you want.

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COMM87 . 11 Years Ago

Really helpful professor and helpful TAs. The class is definitely not easy, but they try to explain everything in simpler terms. As long as you go to all of the lectures and sections and read the book, you can get an A.

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COMM134 . 12 Years Ago

Her lectures are straightforward but extremely dense. There is an overwhelming amount of info each lecture and good note taking is necessary. Her midterm kicked my butt and I studied like HELL too. There are also a lot of required readings - she's nice if you want help but overall her class is study intensive. Class consists of 1 midterm and final

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COMM87 . 14 Years Ago

i am retaking this class i am absolutely hate this class! she lies ans says the class is easy. the test are 40 questions, 4 vocab, a few fill in, and short answer.. its too much for fifty minutes. she explains the harder stuff super fast to fit it into one lecture.. try and take it with somone else or if for a GE take something else like geol 20..

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COMM87 . 14 Years Ago

Metzger is super helpful and really easy to understand. Definitely a good professor to take classes with!

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COMM170 . 15 Years Ago

Professor Metzger knows her stuff; her lectures are very fluid and thought provoking. The lectures, by far, are the most important aspect of the course. The cases are essential reading because you must refer to them constantly in the final exam. The text book was pricey and supplemented lecture but it was worth it. Great class, great professor.

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COMM87 . 15 Years Ago

She is awesome. I hated the idea of statistics, but she made it soooo easy! It was great! The tests aren't too bad if you study and know the concepts, and Metzger's lectures really help you understand everything! I LOVE THIS WOMAN!

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COMM87 . 15 Years Ago

she was a good lecturer and nice. Terminology and concepts she taught weren't that hard to grasp. man i took this class back in the day, when i was a freshman. time goes by quick.

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COMM134 . 16 Years Ago

took her during a 3 week session. lectures are hard to outline. test are very hard. she has two answers that are very similar, it is really tricky. the information is interesting, but the tests make it impossible to get a good grade. very nice lady though

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
COMM87 . 16 Years Ago

Material seems simple enough in class... but tests are very difficult. 3 midterms no final, but on the date of the final you have the option to retake a midterm which is nice. Tons of confusing terminology to memorize, but concepts aren't too hard. If you're a comm major you have to take this class... if you're not comm, stay away from it.

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COMM87 . 16 Years Ago

very clear and uses relevant and somewhat interesting examples. if you take notes and pay attention you should do fine. homework each week for section/lab but totally easy. i dont like math and was dreading this class but it ended up being one of my favorites! she goes slow enough so you can understand fully but not ridiculously slow.

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COMM134 . 16 Years Ago

Not an easy class. She's nice but seems nervous and lectures are really boring. There is little reading/lecture overlap and the reader is mostly from novel type books so it's hard to study. It seems like pretty standard stuff and not very hard but the tests are hard and specific. 20% of your grade is easy assignments and MT & final are 40% each.

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COMM170 . 17 Years Ago

Metzger is a great teacher! She covers all of the material you need for the final in her lectures and if you take really good notes and pay attention, you'll do fine! THe final is open note open reader which is helpful also. It was a really intresting class..coming from someone who had no intrest in communication law beforehand.

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COMM87 . 17 Years Ago

Her overheads are everything you'll ever need to know, so go to class or copy the notes. The class goes slow sometimes bc she explains the obvious but it is not bad at all.

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COMM87 . 17 Years Ago

Homework is easy, tests are nothing like hw. She is boring and annoying. Uses overhead and not powerpoint, difficult to see and pay attention.

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COMM134 . 17 Years Ago

Outlines the lecture so that it is easy to follow however lectures are quite bland, midterm and final came out of nowhere and were decievingly difficult, reading is essential, there is quite a bit of it and for the most part it was so boring i was falling asleep, hard to miss lectures at all and still recieve a good grade, nice lady but not worth i

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