Rate My Professors (33)

EARTH7 . Wyss A R 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Midterm and Final had a failing average, people should not take this class as an easy GE.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Andy is the definition of a girlboss.Not only does he support the right of students to go on strike, he also singlehandedly took over labs when the TAs striked, going above and beyond his professor duties.Also after the midterm, he curved it&offered test corrections which gave back half credit if you pay attention in class, he's pretty funny too.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Lectures are boring and the professor can't teach. Goes off on tangents and talks about irrelevant things. Just watch classes online, go to your section, and pray for a good TA because they're the ones who are helping you pass this class.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

Took EARTH7 as a GE and would probably not take it again. There was a lot of content to memorize so don't consider this an easy A class. Professor was also dry in lecture. Section was good though, TA was helpful and you can easily get As on the labs if you ask for help. If the topic is something you're interested in though, it's not that bad.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

Andy seems like a nice guy but I am not rockin with his teaching skills. His lectures were a confusing array of slides and anecdotes. There is a disturbing amount of material that is expected to be memorized. I relied heavily on my TA explaining the material during our weekly section.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

This class was awful. I took it because I had to get more units in and thought it wouldnt be that hard but I was wrong. The labs and homework are the only reason I passed and that was because I got a good TA. However, he had no set grading procedures and gave a midterm and final that he made worth 50% at the last minute. DO NOT TAKE!!

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 2 Years Ago

Lectures are fairly interesting and you can tell he really enjoys what he's talking about. It's a good class if you want to fill your GE. Labs and homework are really easy, midterm and final questions are a little confusing but you can get by. You have to show up to lecture in person, it is impossible to understand him through zoom bc of low voice.

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EARTH148 . Wyss A R 6 Years Ago

When writing papers, Andy doesn't grade you on your content, he grades you on your writing skills (which is completely bogus). His lectures are super heavy with a lot of material that seems to get clustered in his exams. This class was the first and only class to give me an anxiety attack over all the stress it caused me. AVOID HIS CLASSES!

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EARTH104A . Wyss A R 10 Years Ago

Andy cares a lot about his students so sometimes he seems offended when we don't put in 100%. He really just wants to help although he might be a tough grader with the writing assignments. I really enjoyed the field trips though!!

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 11 Years Ago

This class is pretty easy. They mark fairly easily in labs and the content isn't hard to understand. For the final, memorise the cladograms and it will get you most of the way there. After that you just have to remember some interesting stuff he mentions in lecture.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 11 Years Ago

This a great guy and an awesome professor.It's hard but you need to stay awake in lecture. He has a very low voice but he does have interesting things to say. Do your best to keep up on the reading(it's not essential but it definitely helps. And know the cladograms.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 11 Years Ago

Best professor ever! Lectures are very organized and clear. He posts all lectures and lecture notes online. The professor is very helpful,kind,and enjoys teaching the subject.Attendance in lecture is not mandatory but section is(cool labs). This class is easy if you use the tools he provides on gauchospace. Also he's kinda cute and very funny.

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EARTH7 . Wyss A R 11 Years Ago

he posts the notes and lectures online so attending lectures isn't really necessary (and neither is the book). overall easy class as long as you read the notes and skim through the pp slides

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GEOL5 . Wyss A R 12 Years Ago

Such a great dude. What a boss! Just stay awake, listen to the words he says, and go to labs, and you will be fine. One of the best professors, and classes I have ever taken. Shout out to his awesome TA's

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EARTH2 . Wyss A R 13 Years Ago

Great dude. Has his moments in which he is funny. If i didnt have other classes that took too much of my time i would have done better. He's a kind person and you can tell he loves what he is doing.

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GEOL7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

First, buy the book and study it, then have fun! Wyss does have a monotone voice, but has an interesting lecture. Lab was fun, who wouldn't want to draw a t-rex skull? I kept the books and still reference them to this day. Great class, and Wyss always looks like he just finished digging for something. I recommend to anyone interested in dinos.

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GEO7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

Great professor! His classes were very interesting and you could tell that he really loved what he taught. If you do bad on the midterm don't wory...if you do better on the final he uses that grade instead of what you got on the midterm! Labs were not that bad and infact an easy point booster. Professor Wyss is AWESOME!!

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GEOL7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

he is absolutly amazing. The best professor ever! Has made dinosaurs absolutly facinating. He did a great job incorporating the greater evolutionary concepts. His lectures are funny and extremly interesting. His tests are very fair and he is very kind.

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GEOL7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

Exams are tough, lecture slides are exclusively pictures, and the monotony of the class could kill you. First of all, don't listen to these fools. BUY THE BOOK!! It's the only thing that will save you at the middle and end of the quarter when you find yourself without any lecture notes because you were bored out of your mind or asleep in class.

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GEOL7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

A very bright professor with an incredible ability to explain difficult scientific concepts, I found this class to be quite interesting. While his lecture style is pretty dry, his passion for the subject makes it interesting. The exams aren't too hard if you prepare and learn the cladogram. A very good science GE class.

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GEOL7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

Wyss is an incredibly nice guy. His lectures can be boring if you're not interested in the subject, but the tests aren't hard and there is very little homework. Don't buy the book

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GEOL7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

I think Wyss is a great teacher. Yes, some of the material gets a little boring but overall it was a great class. The exams are a bit hard but if you pay attention in lecture you'll do fine. Plus, hes hot!!!!!!!!

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GEOLOGY7 . Wyss A R 18 Years Ago

officially the most knowledgable instructor I've ever had. also a practicing paleo archeologist, his lectures can get boring, because of his cold personality, but once you get to know him, he's really friendly and helpful. i don't know about his grading, I'm still taking the class =)

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GEO7DINOSAURS . Wyss A R 19 Years Ago

As a warning, you will fall asleep in lecture. However, he is very nice and helpful when you need it. The curve is huge, so even if you think you failed, you didn't. Just draw the diagrams. Diagrams are everything.

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