Rate My Professors (20)

101D . Parks L A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Professor Parks is incredibly kind, passionate, and knowledgeable about the subject. She is there to help and teach. I will say, the lectures can be somewhat long and history based, so some may find them difficult. I really enjoyed the class and appreciated her. Just make sure you keep up with the readings.

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101D . Parks L A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Lectures were long and very history-dense, especially in the first few weeks. But, Professor Parks is super interesting and a really knowledgeable professor. Graded on very few assignments though and I found grading to be a little harsh/not great feedback given. Overall, not the worst 101 course to take though

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FAMST187SM . Parks L A 8 Years Ago

This is only the 2nd time prof parks taught the social media seminar, but it was really good. Informative and a really important to take if your emphasis is on media, we had almost too much fun discussing social media. Expect to present on a reading, 1-2 guest lecturers, a take home midterm, and a group project at the end (w/a pizza if youre good!)

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FLMST96 . Parks L A 10 Years Ago

FILM 96 This class was HARD. I gave up my social life many times to fulfill the reqs of this class. Expect stress for the papers, and having to change your writing methods in order to earn your grade. If you miss lecture, you're screwed. Good luck.

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FILM96 . Parks L A 11 Years Ago

This class was so difficult. Parks was a good teacher, but a lot of what she said in lecture was just spouting information that was semi-relevant to the papers that made up 100% of our grade. This class did not teach me how to write a good paper. This class taught me how to write a paper that a TA/professor would like. Big difference. Disappointed.

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FLM113 . Parks L A 14 Years Ago

Film 113SC. The class was on satellite culture. It was actually interesting to learn about. All lectures were pretty short, there is no discussion, and no screenings. Overall I enjoyed the class and would recommend it. The mid-term and final are both take-home and require knowledge of the readings. Buy the books!

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101T . Parks L A 18 Years Ago

This was a great class with a very knowledgeable professor. Should definitly take this class, especially because you learn about a topic (TV) that we normally do not cover in this department. Also, I dont know if its only me, but she has to be one of the best looking professors you will have. She is real hot.

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FILM187GM . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

she has a lot passion for the topic of film.....when your professor loves the topic....u will 2

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WOMENINFILM . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

Parks is an awesome teacher, she really knows her****. You can't slack in her class.

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2004 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago


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163 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

Probably one of the hardest classes just based on the fast pace but Lisa knew her stuff and I learned a ton, which has still helped.

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101T . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

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187 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

Brilliant, engaging lectures. Clear assignments. Fair grades. Tough enough to earn my respect but not so tough I'm gonna complain. And yes, she's absolutely... one of the sweetest, most helpful professors you could ever hope to have. I don't think I was the only student who had a crush on her (but how could you not respect such a great teacher?)

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FLMST96 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

Tough class but the professor is very clear when explaining things, good choice of films as well.

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FS120 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

Really good class.. nice material... For some reason I found her very attractive.... didnt know what to look at... her body or her face...

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FLST163 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

She's very clear in what she expects you to know and the movies she shows are really cool.

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FLMST187TV . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

INteresting, you have to do your work, but because she is interesting, it makes the class more interesting. The reading load was big, but not too bad to read.

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FILM163 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

Not a film major so sometimes the class went in directions that were unclear, she does a good job of filling the other majors in on the important stuff to get by in the class, she explains things well but packs a lot into each lecture

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FILM101T163 . Parks L A 19 Years Ago

She is so smart and so clear in what she's explaining. She makes everything interesting and is very cute!

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FLMST101T . Parks L A 20 Years Ago

The course is a bit intense (being a 101), but probably the mot fun 101 you'll take. Professor Parks keeps the lectures interesting (and well organized) and the viewings are really fun to watch (w/ old commercials!).

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