
Rate My Professors (22)

CLIT183 . 13 Years Ago

Professor Powell was a sweet man, he helped a lot during papers (one 8 page and one 4). His lectures were unclear and fragmented, and class was often tedious. 2000 pages is WAY too much to read for one quarter and it was quite boring. Nice teacher, but wouldn't recommend the class.

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EACS181 . 18 Years Ago

definitly a hard class, but the professor was very helpful and nice. very interesting topic, he really knows his stuff.

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EACS181A . 18 Years Ago

Class was VERY unlcear. Ridiculous amount of reading and material without an emphasis on what's really important. Although there are some interesting facts issues covered, the midterm was nit picky and had almost nothing to do with what was covered.

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EACS164B . 18 Years Ago

interesting class. readings aren't too bad. just be sure to go to lecture and take notes. discuss material in a group before exams and you'll do fine.

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CLIT183 . 18 Years Ago

The class was very disappointing. Even though the lectures were power point the class was not well organized. The grading was slow and tedious. There was no clear focus for the class. The Professor was not very helpful or willing to discuss material.

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COMPLIT183 . 18 Years Ago

The reading = 1600+ pgs: 4 books @ 400+ pgs each, NOT 250. The reading is tedious, rather boring. Lectures w/ PowerPoint. Took 5+ wks to turn back our first papers! The worst part was the reading; far too heavy for 10 wks, especially if you take other Lit. classes. The story is repetitive, the translation dry. Very disappointing class.

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COMLIT183 . 18 Years Ago

His lectures will interest you if u like to study religion. Lots of reading,(4 books:abt 250pg each)The papers are not too difficult, he provides help and is easy to talk to. If you write well,then it's an easy grade. If u want to avoid reading, always attend lecture. OVERALL, I still think the course was easy, but not TOO intersting.

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CHIN166E . 19 Years Ago

I took his two of his classes and liked them both. Due to the fact its a class about esoteric topics and philosophy its solely based on how well you can write a paper. Hes lenient with his grading and is more than willing to help those who come to his office hours.

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RGST3 . 19 Years Ago

LOVED this class..It was so interesting. If you're not interested in religion then don't take this class. It requires a lot of time to get a good grade

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EACLS . 19 Years Ago

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RGST3 . 19 Years Ago

This class was fascinating though he can be a bit boring during lectures. It really wasn't what I expected but I still enjoyed it and the grading is pretty lenient. The workload was**** though. so much writing! but still easy on the grading.

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RGST3 . 19 Years Ago

The class was not at all what I expected. Instead of teaching the actual religion, he teaches about festivals and practices. It was interesting, but the workload was horrible. Fat journals due every 2 weeks and a 15 page paper at the end. The class needs to be worth 5 units; just make sure you know what you're getting yourself in to.

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RGST4 . 19 Years Ago

i understood the concepts a lot better than when prof. wallace was teaching (though they work well as a team and both are very knowledgeable). enthusiastic about his studies and easy to understand, interesting class too. the paper wasn't as hard as i took it to be so when writing make sure to just write about key concepts that tie under a theme.

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RGST3 . 19 Years Ago

He tells you from day 1 that this class is not what most people expect. I wish I'd listened and dropped it that day. It feels like 5-6 units of work for 4 units though. Concepts are different, you'd have to like his teaching style to enjoy the class.

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CHIN166B . 20 Years Ago

Lectures were a bit difficult to understand, but he was very helpful during office hours. The tests were pretty straight forward, as long as you go to lectures and review the readings you'll be fine. The 8-10pg paper is heavy, so start's 40% of the grade.

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RS4 . 20 Years Ago

should attend lectures since some midterm and final questions are based on lectures. make sure you do well on the midterm and the final paper and you should be fine. partner teaches with prof. powell who has a huge accent which makes it hard to follow. but it is an interesting class.

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RGST166B . 20 Years Ago

UNCLEAR! BORING! wants to hear what he thinks is right..lectures in circles, did not learn anything in that class...dont take this class

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RGST166C . 20 Years Ago

VERY BORING, and only gives you a good grade if you tell him exatcly what he wants to hear...and the only thing that he wants to hear is what he thinks is right. He isn't interested in any other view point. he doesn't tell you what he wants in the papers until after you've already turned them in!

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CLIT187 . 20 Years Ago

I really WORKED for the D I got in his boring, repetative class. It sucked.

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RGST3 . 20 Years Ago

there are papers due almost every week, and a final paper 15 pages long or so, worth a big chunk of the grade. however, the paper is graded easily and his midterm and final are multiple choice.

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RGST3 . 20 Years Ago

He is able to deliver complicated non-western religious concepts in a manner that is easy to understand. For those who have trouble, you will need to think outside of the box, part yourself from JudeoChristian standards. This is East Asian Religions

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RGST3 . 20 Years Ago

Slow and boring voice. Doesn't really connect well. He does put stuff online though, but you need to go to lectures to pass the class. Teaches off Powerpoint so that helps.

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