He is a boring lecturer and very odd, but the test was really easy. A lot of homework, but it isn't very hard. Strange guy
Gwinn is probably the nicest teacher I have ever had....very approachable and reasonable during office hours. On the other hand, I must say that there was some disconnect between what we read in the book (Reif) and what he actually talked about in class. I def recommend reading a different textbook in addition to Reif.
I spent about 10 hours/assignment trying to match Gwinn's lectures with the atrocious book we used: Reif. Nothing meshed, which made figuring out homework a nightmare. Thankfully he curved the class; got a B with 65% overall. Nice guy, so do not blame him. Real problem was book & how much time we spent doing statistics instead of actual thermo.
Lectures were impossible to follow, as was the textbook. I ended up getting two B's, and an A on the final. Thought I bombed all 3 exams. Turns out he grades GENEROUSLY on the exams. Still don't feel like I have too great of an understanding though. Homework is extremely difficult/time consuming.
Professor Gwinn is an awkward man. He is very willing to help when you ask him a question. However, explaining concepts in class he tends to stammer quite a lot and not get points across very well. The class itself is very difficult the first 5-6 weeks with statistical mechanics, the last few weeks is real Thermo. The book, by Reif, is awful!!
Good Professor overall. Learned a lot of E&M. His lecture isn't really clear but really compliments the book very well. Make sure you read Griffiths before his class and look at it again after. His final could be hard if you expect to get every problem correct. But he grades the exams not expecting perfect scores.
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Great teacher. I learned a lot.
His grading scale is great. Do the homework. I've had better physics profs though. He does EAT chalk, or maybe he just licks it off of his fingers!
he is very odd but at the same time very nice person. do the HW and office hours and you'll get a good grade.
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he's a good teacher, but you should do all of the homework and reading in order to keep up with what he lectures about.