Yunte Huang

69 reviews
Get ready to read Hilarious Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. Participation matters Tough grader Respected Lecture heavy EXTRA CREDIT Clear grading criteria Tests? Not many Would take again Inspirational Beware of pop quizzes So many papers
Past quarters
123 / 150 Enrolled
American Literature from 1900 to Present
Yunte Huang 3.1
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
49.2% A
0 / 25 Enrolled
Seminar on American Literature from 1900 to Present
Yunte Huang 3.1
14:00 PM - 14:50 PM
97.6% A
See All
ENGL 133TL Huang Yu Winter 2024 Total: 39
ENGL 104A Huang Yu Fall 2023 Total: 136
ENGL 104AS Huang Yu Fall 2023 Total: 5
ENGL 197 Huang Yu Fall 2023 Total: 13
See All
ENG134AA . Huang Yu 6 Months Ago

the class was graded by participation, mini research paper, 4 film reviews, pop quizzes, and a final paper. he grades based off of letters and not numbers (you'll receive an A instead of 90) and he never inserts grades into canvas so you wont know your grade until it is in gold. never answers emails and does pop quizzed based on readings.I did p/np

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ENG104A . Huang Yu 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Lectures were so so messy and all over the place. If there weren't TA sections, I would have failed this class. Would drift off topic during lectures as well.

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104A . Huang Yu 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I stopped attending lectures because I got nothing out of them; the professor would ramble on about things that did not correlate to the reading, like his hometown. The test is fill-in and blank, if memorization is not your strong suit, you will suffer. Do anything in your power to not take this class; it'll save you a lot of stress.

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ENG104A . Huang Yu 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

graded solely on section attendance, midterm, paper, and final. the paper and final occur around the same time. both tests have a fill in the blank section, which was absolutely ridiculous and taught nothing. the paper had no prompt, the only requirement was the page count. did not specify in the course description that the class was only poetry.

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ENGL104A . Huang Yu 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Lectures were unorganized/all over the place. Didn't know what was going on half the time. Only graded on section attendance, midterm & final, and paper. Exams are fill in the blank and a short response. Really didn't like the fill in the blank part, as that teaches nothing about the content of the readings and was hard to study.

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ENGL197 . Huang Yu 2 Years Ago

Kinda funny, but that's it. Unorganized and confusing lectures. Doesn't post grades and only accepts assignments through email, but he won't email you back. Spontaneously assigns writing assignments during class rather than sticking to the schedule in the syllabus. No grading criteria. For a poetry lab, we never actually write poetry.

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ENG134A . Huang Yu 2 Years Ago

You won't know any of your grades until he uploaded to Gold, so you won't have a chance to change PNP or DROP the class. The Final Paper accounts for 50%, and his rating is very harsh.

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133TL . Huang Yu 2 Years Ago

If you attend lecture and take notes, it’s an easy A. attendance is mandatory but his lectures are amazing!

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133TL . Huang Yu 3 Years Ago

Loved Professor Huang! He was really funny and the class was interesting. Super easy. Graded on a take-home midterm, take-home final, and 5-7 page final paper. Easy A. He has some really interesting stories and insights.

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ENG134AA . Huang Yu 3 Years Ago

nice prof but odd grading

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ENG134AA . Huang Yu 3 Years Ago

Grading criteria weren't transparent. Did not update grades throughout the term - We only knew what we got when grades appeared on gold. However, has great stories about immigration and is highly respected! Take his class with caution

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ENG134AA . Huang Yu 5 Years Ago

Professor Huang was super engaging as a lecturer + incorporated a bunch of different material in his course -- books, poems, videos, movies, music, etc. I didn't really know what I was signing up for when I chose this class, but he blew away any expectations I had. Show up to class, pay attention, take good notes, ask questions. Be engaged!

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