REALLY nice guy. Has good energy for 8AM class and you can tell that he really does care about the class and he wants students to understand. Lots of memorization but if you go to the lectures, it makes the class ALOT easier!
the attendance is kinda mandatory since you need to take the quiz using iclicker. The way he gives xplanation is pretty clear. The exam takes up lots of energy to remember most of the context like remembering input n output of a process. It's useless since you will forget it anyway after the exam.
8 Am is the worse class. Does do I clicker so make sure you go to class as they are an easy 20 points. Homeworks are about half of the grade so do those as well. Mid term was a little confusing but final was very straight forward did terrible on MT but ended up with a B+ in the class
This guy is so stupid, the information is extremely basic but he tests it in a difficult way. HW is a huge part of the grade, which helps when the test average is a C. He likes to show that he knows more than the students, which should be obvious right?
This class was retarded. Useless information, I don't see how this even qualifies for an Econ class. do the hw's the rest is common sense
The professor is a nice guy if you actually take the time to go to office hours. He really enjoys the subject but seems to have a hard time transferring that interest to the class. There are i-clicker questions each day which are worth 20% of your grade. The midterm and final are just relaying info from the book. The class overall way boring.
This is a highly enjoyable class. The tests are book heavy and to get an A you have to focus the majority of your attention breaking down every chapter. Great class that gives you a different perspective of the accounting world. Not as easy as it first seems.
most useless class ever
i have to agree with the person below, lectures puts you to sleep and tests have nothing to do with the mess that comes out of his mouth. doesnt respond to emails for 2-3 days. basically hes really full of himself. what sane man would have class at 8am?
Avoid this class at all costs, gives practice test which bears no resemblance to the actual exams. Worked my ass off and got a C.
Econ's best kept secret. Weird how every quarter there are 50 spots still open for this easy Econ class. EASY busy work once a week. Exams are curved a little bit. 1st exam is mostly charts. 2nd is most all from the book and definitions/memorization. EASY to get a B, and very very probable to get an A- or A. do the HW and go to class.
A friendly guy. Attendance is a must for pop quizzes. Many easy busy work assignments. Grading is fair. I recommend him.