Professor Watson is a very cool guy, very experienced in the field, gives lots of excellent real world examples and stories, shows exactly how to do all of the problems that will be on the exam, so going to lecture and memorizing the steps are very important, his tests are tough, he really likes to give trick questions, but study and you'll be fine
Awesome teacher, clearly cares for his students. Lectures are important if you want pass, because he tests you on material that he teaches in class. Gives past midterm questions in section so you can practice for midterm and final. Would take the class again, my favorite professor so far at UCSB.
Awesome teacher, explains really clearly, makes it relatable, GO TO LECTURE. Super helpful in office hours too (they're early though 7am) and my favorate SB teacher so far!)
Watson is a great guy, but 8am lecture often about random (non-econ) stuff was frustrating. TA struggled to cover everything prof. should've in lecture. Material is easy enough, but midterm & final (45% each) are mostly mult. choice and are ALL trick questions. Doesn't matter how hard you study. Class avg. was D- on midterm. Curve saved lives
8 AM lectures, lecture material was easy to learn and understand but the test was straight pulled out of his ass. Seriously making each test worth 45% of your grade? Ridiculous. Would've used the book but it was too much $$$$$.
A lots of QUIZ!! Lectures are not structured. He talks out of his ass because the only examples he uses are from his helicopter company or cars. He always talks his own story over and over again!!! Don't expect to learn anything in lecture.
Awesome dude. Did not use slides, but he didn't need it. Lecture felt like he was just talking to you and is great at explaining what you need to know. Tests were straight forward, if you go to lecture and pay attention you will do great! Definitely recommend.
I'm not an Econ person but I enjoyed Dr. Watson's lectures. He speaks a bit fast but gives good examples that help the material make sense. I wouldn't recommend skipping class because the reading is not enough to understand the concepts. Also attend sections and read the book. Weekly quizzes in the sections help a lot and get you easy points.
The material itself is easy enough to understand, but Watson rambles so much that it's hard to stay focused. I couldn't learn enough from him or my TA so the textbook helped when studying for tests.
7 AM OH. Messes up your GPA. Trick questions. Does not matter if you do excellent in the quizzes. Does not review, does not give "final" back.
Lectures are not structured. He talks out of his ass because the only examples he uses are from his helicopter company or cars. I bought the book and didn't use it once. I took ap macro in high school and got a B- on the midterm, but if you haven't been exposed to micro or either, don't expect to learn anything in lecture.
Watson's not as bad as these reviews make him out to be. Pay attention in lecture, take good notes, and go to section. I got a B+ just by taking notes, making flashcards of certain things, and studying the night before tests. It would have been an A if I had stayed awake the second half of the quarter. Never opened the book. Take it over the summer