Cathy Busby

30 reviews
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EARTH20 . 11 Years Ago

Great professor and she definitely makes this class interesting! BUT, the class is NOT an easy A. Grade is 8% section attendance, 67% Midterm & Final, and 25% quizzes. Cheat sheets are allowed on tests but not quizzes. Quizzes are difficult and you must study the slides she goes over in class. Overall- interesting class but you will work hard.

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EARTH20 . 11 Years Ago

Busby really cares about the subject and is passionate during her lectures, it is flat out adorable! The class itself is super easy: midterm allows 2 cheat sheets front and back; final can have 4. She has the power points online and basically reads over them during class, with easy 10 question quizzes every week. 3 extra credit chances, EASY GE!!!!

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EARTH20 . 11 Years Ago

Definitely recommend this class. She gives you so many extra credit opportunities (section being one). 3 cheat sheets for the midterm and 6 total for the final. She's sweet and explains the information simply. Go to class though - 7 pop quizzes and she drops your lowest 2 scores. Got an A+ and didn't need the book. Really interesting and an easy A

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EARTH2 . 12 Years Ago

If u want an easy science ge take this class! In class pop quizzes (1 dropped) so attendance is mandatory but we got 2 pages front and back of cheat sheet for the midterm and 3 front and back for the final PLUS we got extra credit if the cheat sheets were good (up to 10 points added to ur final grade). Got 100% in the class after the extra credit.

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EARTH20 . 13 Years Ago

don't need the book. each lecture has around 30+ slides filled with words and pics. study the slides and you'll ace the class. however, there is soo much info that it's impossible to remember everything for the test. final is cummulative! 7 in-class pop quizzes. section is extra credit. good luck!

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GEOL20 . 13 Years Ago

Such an interesting class!! She gives you a packet of notes on the first day- USE THEM! The tests come straight from the notes. Also, she lets you copy the notes in her office hours a few days before the test. Easy class if you do the work!

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GEOL20 . 14 Years Ago

This class was extremely interesting. Busby was a great professor, and made sure her students knew the material well. There are pop quizzes to keep kids coming to class, but they were generally easy if you went to lecture. Wouldn't take this class with anyone else, Busby was the best professor!

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

She truly wants her students to do well- she's a very motherly professor. The amount of extra credit she gives is ridiculously giving, and class is pretty much mandatory. She uses the same questions on pop quizzes that she does on the tests. If you study the pop quizzes (which are hard) and all of the images, you will do fine. REALLY easy pass.

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

She is a bit unorganized and can be confusing at times, but she is very enthusiastic about what she teaches and wants you to do well. Don't buy the book, you won't need it. You do need to go to class to get notes and take pop quizzes. The pop quizzes are really hard, but the midterm and final are not too bad so long as you study the images.

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

interesting class! i was surprised how much i actually learned. all notes are in the reader she gives us. the style of the notes is soo helpful and easy to understand and comes with diagrams. go to class because she gives pop quizzes. midterm/final not hard if u study the notes. all in all fun and easy class :)

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

This class is easy but very boring. She holds pop quizzes, which everyone does pretty badly on, but she offers a lot of extra credit. Her lecture notes are hard to read sometimes. She tests heavily on lecture notes and the diagrams she gives out in the class reader. I would recommend another GE for math and science.

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GEOL20 . 15 Years Ago

This class was pretty easy this quarter. She had a possible 50 pts EC, but her midterm/final are somewhat difficult. She decided to add pop quizzes this quarter, which makes attendance mandatory and didn't help my grade much. Her lectures aren't all that clear so its hard to tell what will be on the tests, but this class is ok for a GE i guess.

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