Harold Marcuse

59 reviews
Get ready to read EXTRA CREDIT Skip class? You won't pass. Participation matters Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Accessible outside class Lots of homework So many papers Caring Respected Graded by few things Tough grader Amazing lectures
Past quarters
31 / 42 Enrolled
Twentieth Century Germany, Part II
Harold Marcuse 3.0
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
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HIST 2CH Marcuse H Winter 2023 Total: 8
HIST 2C Marcuse H Winter 2023 Total: 318
HIST 133Q Marcuse H Fall 2022 Total: 12
HIST 133D Marcuse H Fall 2022 Total: 136
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2C . Marcuse H 1 Year, 6 Days Ago

Really hated this class. Lectures were terribly boring, content was not presented in a way which was engaging whatsoever. Continuously changed grading deadlines all the way through half of the quarter. Projects were unnecessarily difficult and drawn out, and some TAs are extremely harsh graders without any good reason. Avoid this class at all costs

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2C . Marcuse H 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Uses iClicker for lectures but not geotagged so I didn't go to a single one (boring). 2 papers that are easy (summarizing primary sources and an oral history paper). You can watch a movie and respond or read the textbook and take a quiz every week for weekly grade, it's very easy. Content of class was cool but its a review from high school history.

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HIST2C . Marcuse H 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

His lectures were very boring and I did not pay attention the majority of the time. We had two papers (graded very easily) and one mid-term reflection and final. I took this class as part of my general ed, it is an easy A if you're only taking it for this purpose. The professor himself is super caring and nice, he cares a lot for his students.

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2C . Marcuse H 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Marcuse is extremely nice and accommodating. I found many of the assignments to be mere busy work, but I guess that makes sense since it's a GE. Take this class for an easy A.

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HIST2C . Marcuse H 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I would not have taken this class if it was not a major requirement. The lectures were pointless as there were no tests and paper topics were done by your own research, so the only point of going was for the attendance grade. Grading was inconsistent and he often ran long on lectures and would ramble off topic.

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HIST2C . Marcuse H 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

Love Harold. What a nice guy with an interesting life that you can learn about through his personal website. That being said, his lectures are aimless and I haven't learned anything (its currently week 5). But the quizzes are easy, and there are no in person midterms/finals.

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HIST133D . Marcuse H 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Marcuse supplied us with some of the greatest readings I've ever had. That said, his lectures had little to no substance. Journals made me think and apply personal experience to class material. Hectic because of the strike, take this review with a grain of salt.

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2C . Marcuse H 2 Years Ago

Take this class for an easy A if you need it because cancels out a lot GE requirements. I didn't pay attention at all, and all the quizzes you can search up on quizlet with multiple attempts. Yeah he's not a great prof but it's a GE class so I didn't really care if his teaching was good or bad.

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2C . Marcuse H 2 Years Ago

Took this class as a GE so I already wasn't expecting to learn a lot of new stuff but I only learned from reading the textbook. Stopped going to lecture after the 3rd week and did i-Clicker from home but I heard he said the n-word in class, which is unacceptable. If you do the assignments you'll easily get an A.

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HIST2C . Marcuse H 2 Years Ago

Honestly not an incredibly difficult class, so definitely take it if you don't want a heavy course load, but he really is not a great professor. Super super disorganized and the content is all over the place, thankfully quizzes were online so they weren't difficult but if they were ever in person they would be. Lecture is mandatory (iclicker)

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2C . Marcuse H 2 Years Ago

Unorganized and lectures were not well laid out however he is nice and understanding.

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2C . Marcuse H 2 Years Ago

Disorganized, scattered, very boring lectures that are impossible to note take during. He also said the n-word during class which was disgusting. This is one of my least favorite classes I've taken at UCSB-if you have the option to do something else DO IT.

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