Karen Lunsford

7 reviews
Gives good feedback Caring Inspirational Accessible outside class
Past quarters
25 / 25 Full
Science Writing for the Public
Karen Lunsford 4.8
15:30 PM - 16:45 PM
73.0% A
WRIT105SW . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Karen is very helpful and caring to all students. Very patient. Also, I love all of the creative projects as they enhanced my writing as well as opening up my mind. Definitely love to take it again!

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WRIT109HP . 8 Years Ago

Dr. Lunsford is a good professor. This class was super helpful for resume writing and for preparing for job applications. You can definitely take this class even if you are not planning on going into the health professions, and it will be very useful for you! Pretty easy A, but the final project was fairly difficult.

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WRIT109HP . 8 Years Ago

Dr. Lunsford was extremely helpful both in and outside of the class. Most assignments can be redone and an A is definitely attainable after revisions. Final research paper for this summer class was tough but manageable. 109HP is great even if you aren't going to be a doctor, vet, pharmacist, etc. I'm going to grad school and was still very helpful

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WRIT109S . 13 Years Ago

109ST was definitely a lot of work. I worked hard to earn an A. Teacher is extremely nice and helpful. There is one presentation at the end, but nothing big. She allows regrades on major papers. Overall, I learned a lot and would definitely recommend this course.

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WRITING109ST . 19 Years Ago

Easy class, not much writing at all. She is very helpful and not intimidating. Lets you rewrite things for a better grade. I don't get many A's but this class was one of the few.

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WRIT109ST . 19 Years Ago

I enjoyed her class. She makes sure you understand the assignments, offers help anytime you need it, and she always gives you a chance to do rewrites for a better grade.

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WRIT2E . 21 Years Ago

Dr. Lunsford is a great professor. She was extreamly willing to help individuals with his/her work. While the material in the class was fairly dry, she kept the class interested by often switching the topics discussed during a class session.

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