Nadir Dagli

7 reviews
Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Lots of homework
Past quarters
ECE 135
14 / 30 Enrolled
Optical Fiber Communications
Nadir Dagli 4.7
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
52.3% A
ECE201A . 7 Years Ago

No nonsense attitude of his keeps students on their toes.I flunked this subject in my undergrad so it was important for me to get a good grade Prof Dagli inspires you to work hard He even clears your doubts during breaks He grades liberally because the material is hard i guess

1 helpful 1 unhelpful
ECE201A . 14 Years Ago

Really helpful!!!

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ECE135 . 16 Years Ago

Dagli is the man! Class is difficult and a lot of work, but has many instant rewards. Dagli puts in much more time into his classes than any other professor inspires a lot of confidence in the material. You will learn a lot in this class, so much that you'll be happy with any grade he fairly assigns.

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ECE220A . 17 Years Ago

OK midterm, brutal final. Assigns far too much HW. You'll be spending a lot of time in the clean room.

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ECE201A . 17 Years Ago

Hard HW, exam, and final. Very helpful in office hours. Highly recommended.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
ECE201A . 20 Years Ago

Good course, assignments and tests are tough. He knows the subject well.

0 helpful 1 unhelpful
ECE201 . 21 Years Ago

he's a good teacher. very well parepared. but the course is difficult.

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