Amanda Stansell

56 reviews
Tough grader Gives good feedback Group projects Participation matters Clear grading criteria Caring So many papers Respected Graded by few things Skip class? You won't pass. EXTRA CREDIT Would take again Inspirational Lots of homework Accessible outside class
Past quarters
25 / 25 Full
Science Writing for the Public
Amanda Stansell 4.4
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
73.0% A
23 / 23 Full
Science Writing for the Public
Amanda Stansell 4.4
14:00 PM - 15:15 PM
73.0% A
See All
WRIT 159B Stansell A Spring 2024 Total: 18
WRIT 50E Stansell A Winter 2024 Total: 48
WRIT 2E Stansell A Fall 2023 Total: 40
WRIT 159B Stansell A Spring 2023 Total: 10
See All
WRIT50E . Stansell A 8 Months Ago

Professor Stansell is super nice and gives great feedback. She grades incredibly tough and has the mindset that most students should end with a B. An A can be (and was) achieved through high levels of attendance, participation, and effort on projects.

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WRIT2E . Stansell A 1 Year, 16 Days Ago

Professor Stansell is very nice and is clear about what she wants. She gives good feedback and makes us work in groups for a wide variety of feedback. Her class is pretty boring at times but she gives examples of good papers and helpful feedback in previous assignments to improve in future ones. Lots of research and writing to do.

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WRIT50E . Stansell A 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Pretty good and easy teacher. She really likes participation. The whole class is group work. Lot's of writing, but she is VERY clear on what is expected in terms of length, content, etc... This class made me actually kinda like writing... almost

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WRIT50E . Stansell A 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

This class is almost entirely graded on one group project. You have to develop and research a new technology to solve some issue. Amanda was a little slow with feedback, but it was clear and helpful in improving your grade. You submit group requests, but she finalizes the group. I loved mine which made class fun, but expect to do a lot of writing.

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WRIT50E . Stansell A 2 Years Ago

She really cares about her students and is very accommodating. However, her A threshold is very high, and she only gives B samples so you don't use them as a template. She is a mess when it comes to grading and is always running late, but is very generous with extensions. Despite this she is my favorite professor yet, and has a very fun class.

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WRIT50E . Stansell A 4 Years Ago

This class was probably the most difficult writing class I've taken since her "A threshold" is high. She states that most people would receive a B in the course, but instead of trying to get students out of that range, she shows examples in class that she graded a B or lower. I highly recommend taking a different teacher for WRIT 50E.

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WRIT109ST . Stansell A 5 Years Ago

Dr. Stansell was a great professor who obviously cares about her students' success -- she was incredibly accommodating, allowing for occasional extensions on assignments and offering appointments outside of class to receive even more feedback. The class was definitely 4 units of work, but I have come out of it feeling stronger in my writing.

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WRIT105SW . Stansell A 5 Years Ago

Dr. Stansell is a good professor overall. She is willing to work with your ideas and helps you gather your ideas onto paper. Although this class was project heavy, we were given extensions if she took too long to give feedback on drafts. She really cares and would recommend.

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WRIT50E . Stansell A 5 Years Ago

She's very picky about writing. If you want an A, don't take her. She marks down points for everything and basically everyone gets a B.

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WRIT50E . Stansell A 6 Years Ago

The class was OK, but the professor did not even post the final grade for the paper and gave course grade to students.

4 helpful 1 unhelpful
WRIT109HP . Stansell A 6 Years Ago

Stansell is an amazing professor. She is a tough grader but she truly cares about her students. Dont be shy & set up appointments with her to talk about projects and papers because she is so helpful. It honestly pays off in the end to attend office hours. I highly recommend to take her class. Just be prepared to put in the work!

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WRIT109HP . Stansell A 6 Years Ago

Prof. Stansell is an awesome professor in my opinion. Every time I went to her office hours she genuinely listened to my concerns and gave me some constructive feedback. She's also very understanding; i had a panic attack during a presentation and she didnt dock me any points. Highly recommend!

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