Great class, clear grading, and concepts presented on slides posted to Canvas too. For the group projects you must read/watch preps to succeed (2-4 hrs), groups are randomly assigned from section. Wagner is funny, and engaging, and brings great guest lecturers to present their environmental work!
Professor Quiros is the best! His lectures are entertaining, he loves to tell stories about his work with sea turtles. Each week there is a very straightforward group assignment where you all answer questions based on materials. The final is quite easy, especially if you took APES and showed up to your section discussions.
Amazing professor and so funny, only gripe is the group work which was the defining factor in why I didn't get and A+. You have 5 group assignments that you're very well prepped for. Final was very easy, you just need to review terms in every slide which he has bolted or in color. Very easy to study for.
Graded based on weekly group projects/individual assignments, and the final. Made clear in the syllabus. Lectures important and he does upload them (easy to miss details since there's so much to get through). Homework takes 3-4 hours in prep for weekly work. Not individualistic, actually work with peers in your sections. Great and funny professor!