Yang Yang

4 reviews
Amazing lectures Caring Clear grading criteria Inspirational Lots of homework Test heavy
Past quarters
0 / 12 Closed
Methods for Asymmetric Synthesis
Yang Yang 4.8
12:30 PM - 13:45 PM
66.7% A
CHEM-130B . 2 Months Ago

The lectures are clear and at a good pace if you want to make notes. Professor Yang Yang is very clear about what the exams entail and the grading is very fair. The final was a lot easier than the breadth of the content of the course indicated.

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CHEM-130B . 3 Months Ago

I wasn't really a fan of his class but the TAs made it so hard. They sometimes struggled to answers some of the questions and grade really weird. Prof. Yang is a really nice person. He has his own notes that he made using textbook examples. The curve at the end was fat and basically everyone in my class passed.

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CHEM-130B . 8 Months Ago

Very good lectures, tests were easy as long as you keep up with the textbook. Truly a great guy who really cares about his students.

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CHEM-130B . 9 Months Ago

Great professor! Questions so trivial I do in sleep.

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