Kerem Camsari

5 reviews
Amazing lectures Inspirational Caring Lecture heavy Clear grading criteria Gives good feedback Test heavy
Past quarters
ECE 275
25 / 25 Full
From Statistical Mechanics to Quantum Computing: A Unified View
Kerem Camsari 4.8
14:00 PM - 15:50 PM
ECE15A . 10 Months Ago

Kerem is extremely good at explaining concepts. Way more effective than textbook or anything online, so def attend lectures. He's passionate about the field and puts lots of effort into the class. Tests can be a time crunch so make sure you are able to solve the HW questions quickly. Overall a great experience

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ECE15A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Really good lectures and he really cares about helping his students learn. Only thing I didn't like was that HW was graded on correctness and you only get one submission. Besides that it was a great class.

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ECE15A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Professor Camsari is a highly skilled professor who explains logic design very well and reinforces our learning through mentioning real-life examples and analogies. The homework he gives is graded, so be sure to do those right. He gives a practice exams which are helpful for the midterm and final. Highly recommend taking his class, you'll enjoy it.

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ECE15A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

One of the best professors I've ever had - his lectures are always engaging and informative and he has a really nice way of wrapping everything neatly together during his lectures. Classes are very lecture heavy but it's always worth it to attend. He's very approachable and his passion for the field is very clear and is passed on to us.

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ECE15A . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Top contender for the best professor I've ever had. Although attendance isn't mandatory for lecture or section, lecture is a must-attend - he explains everything very clearly and passionately, much better than any videos on the subject online, and the textbook. Top-tier lecturer and other professors should take notes.

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