Great professor and a great class. The class consisted of a weekly lab where you would literally follow 1 for one tutorial and then take a quiz on that lab. Then, you would watch recorded podcasts and take a quiz on these podcasts. 3-4 of these quizzes and they were super easy if you watched the videos and took notes.
Love Professor Nelson! She has engaging lectures and simply wants to spread the joy of geography (and biking)! There were three quizzes--all about recorded lecture material--weekly labs, and a map blog post final. The labs are very in-depth and not too hard so do not worry if computer stuff seems hard. Prof Nelson makes the class fun :)
Easy class to take for just units or GE. It's an online course with weekly lecture videos (3 quizzes throughout the quarter based on them) and a weekly mandatory lab. The labs weren't hard to do and they were actually very interesting and fun sometimes to do. The final was a map blog post where you use ArcGIS to make a storymap. Would recommend!
Easy GE. Online course, in-person labs. Lab attendance was not mandatory: go if you need to make use of ArcGIS Pro or download it on your own. Labs were just following online ArcGIS tutorials to build various apps, websites, etc and you could leave right after finishing. Open note and book for lab assessments and quizzes. Final was a map blog post.