James Potter

52 reviews
Tough grader Lecture heavy Graded by few things Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Test heavy Tests are tough Participation matters Hilarious Beware of pop quizzes
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COMM101 . 4 Months Ago

I took COMM 101 with him and it was the absolute worst. He did not stick to the subject of the given lecture and even when he did he was just reading from the textbook and still made no sense. And his exams were written and it was confusing and graded oddly. He also deviated from the syllabus so many times would not take again.

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COMM138 . 5 Months Ago

Don't ask questions because he most likely won't answer them. If you go to the bathroom or miss class you're basically done. Do not take this professor!

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COMM138 . 9 Months Ago

Potter will stand and talk at you about seemingly unimportant things for a majority of the class period, and slightly sprinkle in elements you are "supposed to know". This man expects you to provide your full attention during every moment of the lecture and does not appear to care whether students are actually understanding the information. Avoid

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138 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

I have mixed feelings about this class. It was difficult because he doesn't use gaucho space, Canvas, and is not easily accessible outside of class. No make ups. No late submissions. Even if you have a documented excuse. You can tell he is passionate about his class and knows his stuff. Interesting class. Make sure you show up.

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COMM138 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

One of my favorite professors that I've taken! His lectures are spoken (instead of showing slides) which I get can push people away but I honestly thought they were SO interesting! The material was super interesting too and I totally recommend if you have any interest in advertising or marketing. Tests are on lecture material so take notes!

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138 . 1 Year, 4 Months Ago

I can confidently say that this class is the worst experience I have ever had in my entire college experience. He refused to meet with me for office hours because "I should ask other people in the class if I'm confused on something" and his TA ignored every email I sent her. Not sure how anyone is supposed to succeed in this inequitable class.

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COM101 . 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Professor Potter was nice but he is just not a great teacher. His lectures were just him talking, no slides or outlines, just him kind of rambling about the chapter content. Then the tests were really difficult, graded harshly, and looked for very specific answers that were hard to come about. He was nice, but I would avoid his classes

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COMM101 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Most normal teacher in Ohio

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COMM138 . 2 Years Ago

Potter is the worst comm professor Ive had at UCSB. His lectures are so unengaging, he simply talks at you for 75 minutes. His assignments are pointless and not reflective of the current advertising agency. The final was worth 45% of the final grade, and was nothing like anything we had done. There was math, difficult wording and overall, he sucks

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COMM138 . 2 Years Ago

He needs to come to terms with modern teaching practices. Does not care about the students in his class. Seems as if he is on tenure, so therefore does absolutely nothing to make his class interesting and effective. I was very interested in the class topic, but given his failure to be engaging and transparent, I despised his class a LOT. DONTTAKE

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COMM138 . 2 Years Ago

Worst teaching practices ever, he is stuck in the 1960s. No gauchospace page, no PowerPoints, no visuals, etc. He stands there and talks for the entire class period and expects you to write everything with no breaks. Even if people are still entering the class 1-5 minutes late and talking, he will keep talking even tho no one can hear him. Awful.

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COMM138 . 2 Years Ago

Anytime I had a question I would email him and I would get no response. Not easily accessible at all His tests arent necessarily hard but hes really picky with how he wants to grade ( written exam) . Goes on tangents and leads you to question what youre even learning about. His classes are a gpa destroyer.

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