John Schranck

9 reviews
Gives good feedback Caring Participation matters Amazing lectures Group projects Hilarious So many papers Accessible outside class
Past quarters
25 / 25 Full
Academic Writing
John Schranck 4.6
14:00 PM - 15:50 PM
59.2% A
25 / 25 Full
Academic Writing
John Schranck 4.6
10:00 AM - 11:50 AM
59.2% A
25 / 25 Full
Writing for Health Professions
John Schranck 4.6
11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
76.0% A
See All
WRIT 109HP Schranck J B Spring 2024 Total: 26
WRIT 2 Schranck J B Spring 2024 Total: 49
WRIT 2 Schranck J B Winter 2024 Total: 41
WRIT 2 Schranck J B Fall 2023 Total: 47
WRIT105SW . Schranck J B 4 Months Ago

This class was extremely rewarding! Dr. Schranck provides very detailed assignment instructions and feedback so the expectations were clear and there was a lot to learn. The course was designed around real-world applicable skills such as popular science articles. Dr. Schranck is a dynamic and fun lecturer, would definitely recommend!

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 6 Months Ago

I do NOT recommend this professor. I received an A on essays and major assignments and after meeting with him during office hours, he indicated I would pass, only to send me an email over the summer writing that he forgot about a clause in the syllabus that if you miss a SINGLE assignment you fail the class. It was shocking.

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

I loved his class. He is such a nice guy. You can tell that he genuinely cares about his students.

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

He's super nice. He always tries to look at things from the students' perspective and is really considerate of the fact that we have work outside of his class. He also gives really detailed and helpful feedback on essays. His curriculum is way more interesting than other Writing 2 classes.

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

WRITSW105 Great professor who really cares about the students. One book was required and all other readings were online. Most of the readings you could just skim but definitely try to participate in class discussion. Two group projects with the same group. Overall the material was interesting, he was a very fair grader, and gave excellent feedback.

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 1 Year, 7 Months Ago

Dr. Schranck is an amazing professor. You can tell that he is passionate about teaching, and he genuinely cares about his students and wants them to succeed. He does expect a lot of effort, but if you meet him halfway, you'll find that you'll grow much stronger as a reader and writer. Would 100% recommend you take any class that he is teaching!

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

He is a really chill professor with a great teaching style. I have hated english classes in the past but he makes the course interesting. Most things are graded on completion until the final portfolio.

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

He was really good, thorough and a fair grader

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WRIT2 . Schranck J B 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

Lectures are generally engaging, participation credit for most assignments until the final portfolio which is graded, very chill class and easy going prof.

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