Dr. Coco Gutiérrez-Magallanes

6 reviews
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Past quarters


FEMST183 . 9 Months Ago

Dr. Coco is so sweet! She consistently tells her students not to stress about formats or rubrics. She has a very flexible way of teaching, meaning there is no strict structure. We had some VERY low-stress assignments. If you want to feel capable of creating change, take this class! She loves it when you share your insights or personal endeavors.

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FEMST180 . 1 Year, 2 Months Ago

Very animated professor. Facilitated so many good classroom discussions, the environment felt safe and open. She cares so much about what she does and the people in her class, will take more classes with Dr. Coco.

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FEM60 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

To her credit, I believe she is a passionate professor, but her lecture style is extremely disorganized and spur of the moment. She was late daily and over the quarter we covered less than one page of double-spaced typed notes' content. Truly, the TAs were this class's saving grace. Very disappointing to those at all interested in WOC or learning.

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FEM60 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

Her lecture is very unorganized. There is no structure to the presentation she just talks about whatever she thinks at that moment. She rambles off-topic a lot. Her slides are horrible. Always late to lecture and unprofessional. She has no idea how to use Canvas. It's not the subject material that is bad, it's the professor.

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FEM60 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

lectures are very interesting, but do not have anything to do with assignments. changed what the midterm would be the week before. final is making a zine. very unorganized and does not use the canvas. was very hard to follow what she was saying and what she wanted us to do. prompts for assignments posted very late, days before due date. okay class

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FEM60 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

She is incredibly unorganized. She will not give you clear instructions for the exams. Her lectures are barely lectures, she shows up late almost every single class. Do not take her class if you value your education and actually want to learn. She is also very unclear in her instructions for any assignment or exam.

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