DO NOT TAKE THIS MAN'S COURSE AT ALL COSTS!!!! It's super unorganized to the point where it doesn't even make a difference if you show up to class or not. The contents of the class are pretty straightforward but there's no structure to the class so you basically have to teach yourself everything...
stay away
this class is okay if you're a self learner. not a big fan of him as a lecturer/teacher, but it's definitely passable if you put in effort. never came to class beyond the first one, but did all the homework problems and he gives you a 8.5x11 front and back cheatsheet. his notes are sloppy/all over the place lol grading is 20% hw 30% mid 50% final
Lectures were heavy on proofs, and the way that the math was explained was very confusing (His notes did not read top down, left to right, they were absolutely EVERYWHERE). I think that Prof Ye is a nice man, but NOT a good lecturer. Would not recommend if you want to actually learn math. You do get a cheat sheet for tests, but it didn't help me.
Professor is never going to respond to any emails or requests. He reads directly off the book, and half the class fails every exam. The syllabus is 15 lines long. Total 15 line syllabus. "A potted plant might do a better job" Never start from the back of the exam. Both midterm and finals had changes we had to make halfway through the exam.
Literally couldn't understand a single thing he said all quarter. Going to class or not is the same, tried to learn with youtube or the textbook but decided to withdraw and take it with a different professor next quarter. NEVER take class with him. I don't know how he is teaching here.
Class was not activated on Canvas until the week after we started the course. Syllabus that took so long to upload consisted of 12 sentences - no TA contact information. Final was considerably harder than midterm. Lecture has zero organization and he can be difficult to understand. Grade only consists of webwork (20%), midterm (30%) and final (50%)
L professor L class L rizz L everything about this dude. Class is terribly structured, and the lectures are pointless. Idk how UCSB hired this man, literally the biggest waste of a math quarter ever. I recommend taking literally anybody but him as a math teacher.
worst teacher to EVER be in the math department at UCSB. Immediate action against this man has to be taken if this school wants to be considered legitimate. Top 30 University but with a lecturer like him?? makes absolutely zero sense.
Worst to ever do it.
Avoid him! ! ! Terrible lectures, harsh grading. There aren't any syllabus. His notes were terrible and I had to study on my own.
Goes off on absolutely useless tangents. No clue how he can be considered a real lecturer.