Rita Saha Ray

11 reviews
Clear grading criteria Test heavy Graded by few things Participation matters Hilarious Lecture heavy Tough grader Amazing lectures Lots of homework Caring
Past quarters


PSTAT122 . 6 Months Ago

Saha Ray's lectures are straight and to the point. Also very test heavy, 5 hw assignments, 1 midterm, 1 final, that's it. Her lecture notes are super clear and if you pay attention to them to the tee the tests are not an issue. She can seem rude at times, but she is always helpful and I don't think she means harm.

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PSTAT122 . 7 Months Ago

Is she kinda mean? Yea. Is she kinda impatient? Also, Yea. But she is misunderstood. She is an old Indian immigrant that has made it and is a professor in a top University in America. To be honest her lectures are very useless, but that is not her fault; the class is useless too. We do ANOVA tables the whole quarter which could be taught in 1 week.

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PSTAT122 . 7 Months Ago

Very straightforward class with easy to understand concepts, she gives you lecture notes and formulas which makes the class effectively a plug and chug course, the notes and formulas are very simple. She shows you clearly what she expects with the homework and practice tests that are very similar to the final and midterm.

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PSTAT122 . 8 Months Ago

The class was mainly just loads of ANOVA, she was a pretty unengaging lecturer and would get annoyed when people didn't participate but she was fair and the class is graded I think 30% on homeworks which weren't that bad, 30% on midterm and 40% on the final. As others said, midterm and final are open note, she gives examples which are very similar

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PSTAT122 . 10 Months Ago

Great! The exam is similar to practice problems! It's a little hard to understand in lectures, but you will get used to it and understand her.

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PSTAT122 . 1 Year, 25 Days Ago

Practice midterm and final were exactly like the midterm and final and its open note so you can use your computer. Just download her notes to your computer before the exam and its the easiest A ever.

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PSTAT122 . 1 Year, 1 Month Ago

Gets upset when students are confused and ask questions (horrible quality for a teacher). She's a very boring lecturer - just reads from her notes (riddled w errors too). You're better off skipping lecture and reading the textbook. Exam is open note which is nice and FRQs are very similar to hw but the hard MCQ screwed me over. She doesn't care :(

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PSTAT122 . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Rita is the goat, took her Fall 2022. You need to go to lectures and you need to do the homework. The midterm and final are worth most of your grade. She tells you EXACTLY what questions are going to be on the midterm and final, they all come from the homework. If you do bad it's on you.

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PSTAT122 . 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Lectures were unhelpful. She said she had previously used slides, but decided to try teaching the class with only her "notes" ie basically just scratch work for the practice problems she goes over in class. Visiting instructors are pretty common in this department and it can be a major headache when you get a bad one. Luckily, exams were open-note.

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PSTAT122 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

I am sure she is a nice person but not a good professor, her lecturesare really hard to understand. Never take her!

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PSTAT122 . 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

I absolutely love her personality. Her style of teaching gets a bit confusing (chalkboard and no uploaded notes). The homework takes a lot of time to do. The midterm and final are exactly like those homework assignments and are fairly straight forward.

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