Easy GE class. Not much else. Both the midterm and final were online and very easy.
Easiest GE of all time... literally easier than most of my high school classes. Professor Li is extremely chill and nice, but lecture is not mandatory in the slightest as he reads the slides word for word. Show up to section to go over homework assignments (which are also really easy) and you'll 100% pass the course. 1000000% recommend!
Chillest class on Earth(20). Professor is a kind fella!
Don't bother going to lectures; he only goes over the lecture slides word for word, so you can self-teach. Professor hard to understand sometimes. Attend the sections for more clarification and help. Midterm and final were both online (Open-note). Super EASY GE overall! Midterm average was a 96%!
Homework assignment every week based on lecture slides which is easy. Very detailed slides available on canvas if you miss class. TA Shane was great. Easy GE. Passed with A+ with average effort.
easy GE requirement, not much more to say
Loved Professor Gen Li, one of the sweetest professors I've ever had. Good lectures, amazing slides, and open-note exams. Homework was fairly simple as well. Cannot recommend this course enough.
Easiest area C GE you can take as a humanities major in my view. Attendance not mandatory, all slides posted on Canvas in advance, sections often ended early, all tests were asynchronous and open note. So easy love!!!
Such an underrated class! Prof Li gives clear lectures and is very friendly. Both the midterm and final were online, and there was a short final presentation. The course material is also very interesting if you want to learn more about natural disasters.
The lectures were great, the content was very intuitive and the tests were open-book and online. I highly recommend this class!
This is the easiest course I have ever taken, made easier by Professor Li's structuring of the course. The weekly assignments are painless. The online, open-book, multiple-choice midterm and final are mind-numbingly easy. Lecture attendance isn't mandatory. Professor Li's course is a liberating breath of fresh air. Take this course if you can.
Prof Li rocks. This class could have been super boring and abstract, but he made it interesting when he could. Weekly short worksheets, 2 quizzes, a disaster project, and both midterm & final were online/open note. Super easy Area C GE, with nice TA's too. A nice dude too. Loved this class & Prof Li!!!