Rivka Amado

3 reviews
Tough grader Lecture heavy Graded by few things Participation matters Test heavy
Past quarters


Pols149 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

Run. Very unorganized, you never know what your grade in the class is, doesn't know how to use canvas, terrible communicator, doesn't share slides even though she zooms through them, her "study guides" have nothing to do with what's on the test, her tests consist of 80% "Which one of these was NOT said by..." and she is rude.

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Pols149 . 2 Years Ago

Not tech savvy whatsoever. Her wording on the midterm and final exams is so confusing it makes it hard to answer the question. She basically sets students up to fail academically without noticing it or taking accountability for it, but she is nice.

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Pols149 . 2 Years Ago

Grades off of three things: participation/attendance, midterm, and final. Goes through slides way too fast and is confusing. Kind of contradictory especially in the wording she uses in class and on test.

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