You either love him or hate him. Have very nice digital lecture notes (accessible on Canvas), quick response time on Nectir, weekly quizzes during section (didn't communicate well with TA). A lot of engagement expected during lecture, but he makes good jokes too. Overall, decent and quirky prof. would recommend.
Waqar is an unempathetic human being for subjecting his students to the grading in this class. His final exam should be used as a CIA torture technique. This school is wrong for allowing this man to teach.
Bad lecturer and bad communicator. The chair of the department had to be involved to PROTECT the rights of students to be assessed fairly and get the prof to stick to a fair grading scheme. 10/10 will NOT recommend
I was relying on the extra credit promised on quizzes to pass this class. If the extra credit wasn't going to count, then why did it remain on for more than two weeks? Prof failed to clarify quiz policy and now I have to retake the class.
the final exam was made ten times harder than the practice exam. his grading will mess your grade when you expect the least. also did not give us the extra credit on quizzes that PROMISED BY THE TA.
Waqar is a funny guy and pretty ok in lectures. Notes are solid. HW is almost unreal at times but 2 are dropped so its not that bad. Had MAJOR miscommunications with TAs that nearly resulted in me failing. This is just a hard subject but not to worry he made the tests 10x harder than the practice ones to throw you off. Final had EC so that was nice
He has bad lectures where he mumbles and writes notes without explaining. Even when asked to explain, he answers questions the answers are vague and full of advanced math terms which makes it difficult to understand without knowing the topics. Also, the homework is often very difficult and requires much more work than examples found in lecture
Prof Shah radiates pure aura. Literally the only boomer I can vibe with. HOWEVER don't take his class unless you want your grade to go straight into the skibidi toilet. His exams will straight up mog you. Love the vibes, hate the trauma. 1/10
don't have great things to say about him. his handwriting is really bad, so you can't understand anything he writes. He also expects us to understand everything from his handwritten notes beforehand and lecture is only a "discussion". It was impossible to learn anything from them, so I only attended for pop quizzes. exams are rough with no curve
can this school actually hire professors who actually KNOW how to teach? I have had my fair share of bad professors but this one tops the list. Lectures were completely useless and I had to each myself everything. also unhelpful in office hours. CLAS and TA are what got me through this torturous class
I had an A+ until the final exam, which caused my grade to drop by two levels. Do with that information what you will
PSA: this course looks nice and all but the final looks nothing like the practice exam, so it will screw your grade when you expect the least. Avoid this prof at all costs