William Chavez

5 reviews
Participation matters Accessible outside class Amazing lectures Inspirational Gives good feedback Caring
Past quarters


religion147 . 1 Year, 3 Months Ago

very much a cool dude and a cooler professor

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RGST113 . 1 Year, 5 Months Ago

Such an engaging lecturer, I ended up going to class every day because I felt like I was actually taking away so much from each class. Participation is a decent chunk of your grade, so be prepared to speak. He's moving to Florida I guess so no point in writing this for my fellow UCSB students, but whatever college in Florida got him you are lucky!

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RGST113 . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Professor Chavez is an amazing professor! He takes his work very seriously and knows how to teach. He personally learns all of his students by name and makes lecture extremely interesting to participate in. He is probably my favorite professor. The midterm and final are slightly more difficult essays but he is always available to ask questions

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religion147 . 1 Year, 9 Months Ago

One of the best classes I've taken at UCSB. William is a great lecturer and creates deep discussions in class. Get ready to watch a lot of moves and do problem sets but it just takes a bit of time.

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religion147 . 2 Years Ago

awesome class and even cooler professor. Chavez is incredible and gets you to think outside the box about religious and social concepts in popular culture.

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