Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky

3 reviews
Amazing lectures Graded by few things Get ready to read EXTRA CREDIT Clear grading criteria Lecture heavy Test heavy
Past quarters


GLOBL1 . A Month Ago

So much content in each lecture, but he teaches it engagingly, making you want to listen to the whole thing. Take good notes b/c the tests draw from things he mentions like once. There are study guides for his tests that tell you the exact content you're expected to know, making it easy to study and succeed.

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25411 . 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

Had him for Global 1. Overall, a very fair and respectable professor. VERY clear about what is on his tests, and will give study guides with all the key terms that will be on the test. There were also a lot of extra credit opportunities.

1 helpful 0 unhelpful
25411 . 2 Years Ago

Super nice professor! Very clear with expectations and only one of the quizzes is in person. His lecture slides are awesome and he's super easy to understand! Interesting class and easy assignments.

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