Ken Goodearl

74 reviews
Clear grading criteria Graded by few things Test heavy Respected Lecture heavy Tough grader Accessible outside class Get ready to read Skip class? You won't pass. Tests are tough Inspirational
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MATH 260Q Goodearl K Spring 2024 Total: 1
MATH 117 Goodearl K Winter 2024 Total: 54
MATH 220C Goodearl K Spring 2023 Total: 15
MATH 4A Goodearl K Spring 2023 Total: 324
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117 . Goodearl K 11 Months Ago

If you're not a good test-taker you might want to avoid this fella, as the grade distribution 25% each midterm and 50% final (homework is optional but used for rounding up.) The class itself is hard but taking it is a good way to gauge other upper division math classes. His lectures are good and he does well clearing up questions. Very nice guy.

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MATH4A . Goodearl K 1 Year, 6 Months Ago

boring but gives helpful information. many people stopped going to class and simply looked at his lectures online as he just read off the slides. highly recommend CLAS

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MATH4A . Goodearl K 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Lectures are big and run like clockwork, without time to ask questions, so don't zone out. Skipping lectures is a bad idea, so of course I did that, and if I hadn't I'd have gotten an A. Regardless, class is mediocre in terms of content, difficulty, and interestingness. If you took every college math course and averaged them together, this is it.

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MATH4A . Goodearl K 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Anybody who didn't get an A in this class simply didn't care enough to try. The Professor himself had monotonous lectures, but the material was simple to comprehend. I did not attend any lectures. The homework and practice exams were helpful, and exams were EXTREMELY easy if you understood the BASICS of the content. Do homework+ watch YT videos= A.

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MATH4A . Goodearl K 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Lectures are a bit monotonous and are formatted as power-points which aren't the easiest to follow. Tests are just like the homework and easier than practice midterms. Very generous with partial credit as well.

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MATH4A . Goodearl K 1 Year, 8 Months Ago

Lectures consisted of him just reading off slides, I ended up essentially having to teach myself the material by reading the lectures and textbook. One thing that I did like is that he had three ways of grading using various percentages for the midterms, homework, and final and gave you the highest grade out of all the possible options

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117 . Goodearl K 1 Year, 10 Months Ago

I really like Prof. Goodearl's lectures, and the professor was always available after class for all the questions I had. The two midterms and one final determine your final score, but the professor uses different methods to calculate your final score so it is not a big deal if you fail one of the midterms. The exams are not that difficult as well.

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117 . Goodearl K 1 Year, 11 Months Ago

Midterms are straightforward and he gives a review guide a week before. His lectures are boring and are just him proving book theorems, but that's exactly what the exams are. He's easily accessible and always willing to help explain concepts. Tests are curved based on averages. Grade based only on midterms and final, & rounds up if you do the hw.

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117 . Goodearl K 2 Years Ago

One of the worst professors out there. Class was all proof based and was poorly structured. Gave us a theorem and proof then moved on. Never did examples with the proofs, just threw them at us and basically had to teach them to ourselves. Homework was not mandatory, so we were graded only on two midterms and the final. Lost the entire quarter.

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MATH3A . Goodearl K 4 Years Ago

Not very engaging in lectures. Hell just read right off the PowerPoint he posts online. He gave me a hard time about taking the final even though I had a medical emergency :(

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MATH111A . Goodearl K 5 Years Ago

Professor Goodearl taught in a clean and precise manner. I also enjoyed his office as he was very patient with my questions.

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MATH111A . Goodearl K 5 Years Ago

He's a good professor but he tought the class I had with him about as slowly as possible. If you really want to learn a lot about the 111A material, I think you're probably better off with another professor. However, the tests are generally very easy and he uses a generous grading style.

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