I can see that this one student keeps writing terrible reviews repeatedly. Pro. Cho was the best math professor I have ever had in my life.
do not take with this prof, worst prof i ever have encountered so far.
I just don't understand how someone can be so bad at teaching. He goes on so many tangents and overcomplicates and overexplains things. Homework was useless and there were so many irrelevant and ridiculously hard questions. Quizzes contained stuff not yet covered and you had to depend on the ta to teach you right before. Spare yourself and don't
Professor Cho was the best math professor I had at UCSB. Truly wonderful style of teaching, he actually taught the material in a way that made sense and I could always follow along to his lectures. Unlike previous math courses where I had to watch Youtube to actually make sense of the material, his lectures were perfect on their own.
run. dont take cho ive never had a worse prof
Lectures were pretty clear and are posted on Canvas later. Explained core concepts well. He put questions on exams that dealt with concepts he only briefly went over, but also made it really clear beforehand that they would be on the exams. Grades generously on tests and also gave TA a forgiving grading criteria.
I really enjoyed his class!
Really enjoyed his lectures. Was super funny and engaging. Liked that he posted his lecture pdfs and audio online. Quizzes every week during section and minimal homework. Didn't like that he made his 1 midterm and 1 final exponentially more difficult than the material he teaches and provides for review, but he was a lenient grader.
I've never seen a professor who's this bad at teaching.
Cho is a decent professor: good-natured and well-versed in the content, which can be tricky to grasp with his fast-paced lectures. Open-note weekly quizzes are given during section, and most of the problems on the midterm and final are doable given you review homework and quiz questions. Course attendance is necessary, recorded via iClicker.
This course only has 1 midterm, 1 final, and 8 assignments. There are mandatory quizzes for each weekly session. TA are very nice, they will talk about some similar questions before the quiz. Midterm and final are both very easy, with questions from lectures, quizzes, and practice exams.